Chapter 4-

"Where were you," he growled. "It's half-past twelve." His arms were folded over his chest; his body leaned against the staircase. 

"I grabbed dinner, and maybe something more pleasant would be welcoming. I just walked through the door." Finn felt his face heat up as he snapped at Alistaire, the astonishment on his lover's face making him second guess his remark.

"With who?" He raised an eyebrow and casually strolled toward the blonde, his gaze piercing through the false confidence on Finn's face.

"Why do you think I was with someone? I can't have dinner by myself?" he slipped out of his shoes and brushed his shoulder against Alistaire as he headed toward the restroom. Alistaire's silence worried him as he flicked on the bathroom light and began removing his clothes.

"So there was a man- you're a horrible liar."

He felt his body tense up as Alistaire ran his fingers over his body. "I'm not lying. Now, let me go." Finn shoved him away and was immediately pulled back into his embrace.

"Unless you feel like crying some more, I suggest you drop the attitude. I'll act like it never happened." he pressed his lips forcefully against Finn's forehead and sucked in a shaky breath. "Just be quiet. Don't make this harder than it already is."

Don't make what harder?

"Alistaire I-"

"I said, shut the hell up!"

A violent backhand sent Finn stumbling into the tub, a wince escaping his lips as he held his cheek. His nose flared as he tried to contain himself, his cobalt eyes flooded with pain and fear. "You act just like your father," he blurted. "You're not a real man!"

Alistaire took a step backward and squinted as Finn spoke up, his fists clenched furiously. "I'm nothing like him!" he barked.

"You're an asshole!!" Finn screamed. He'd finally found his footing when another blind swing struck him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of his lungs as he crashed onto the tile.

"Who the fuck is he?!" His hair was a mess now; his usually composed anger now a wildfire. He struck Finn again and growled as he felt his eyes start to burn. "You son of a bitch," he chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "You almost got a rise out of me. I know who to look for and where."


"Don't fucking open your mouth," he sneered. "I-"

"I'm leaving! I'm through with you!"

The venom in his statement made the heat in his throat well up as he tried to process Finn's words. Reaching out for his blonde lover, Alistaire shook as he was swatted away. "Finn. Babe, I was worried about you..."

In between confident sniffles and heartbroken tears, Finn managed a shake of his head. "I'm done..." he whimpered. "We're through."

"Wait- Are you serious?"

He watched Alistaire anxiously as he attempted to gather his thoughts, his decision wasn't final, and he'd spoken only out of anguish. Grabbing the flimsy string of his bracelet, Finn lowered his eyes onto the silver 'A' and felt a piece of him shatter internally.

Finn was a sobbing mess; his puffy eyes clouded with pain. That bracelet was a gift from when they'd first gotten together years ago, and it stood by his side regardless of what the gifter did to him.  They'd been together for so long it felt like Finn didn't belong anywhere else or deserve anyone better.

The following morning seemed to drag on longer than usual, his eyes still red from the on and off crying and self-pity.  Alistaire placed a ghostly kiss on Finn's cheek as he shoveled in another spoonful of cereal. Alistaire's eyes seemed filled with joy as he ruffled Finn's hair, a dry chuckle flying past his lips.

"Do you work today?"

"I gave you my schedule, and it hasn't changed once."

"So you're still upset? I thought you were over it." He tilted Finn's chin upward and purred as he brushed his lips over his lover's temple. Whoever Finn met with yesterday was a threat, and he was already acting differently.

"I'm not in the mood." he jerked himself away and took in another spoonful of his breakfast.

"And you wonder why I cheat," he grumbled. "You're so damn boring."

"And you wonder why I'll never sleep with you." Finn snapped back.

Alistaire growled and grabbed his face. "As much as I'm enjoying your sudden rudeness, I won't tolerate it if it gets out of control."

"Let go of me..."

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Did you hear what I said?" He grabbed Alistaire's wrist and removed himself from the table, flipping his hair to the side before waving himself off. "I'll see you later."


A cool gust of wind swept underneath his sweater as he fiddled with the charm dangling from his wrist. From what he gathered last night, Embry was the cook at the diner he visited with Liam, so he'd start his search there. 

"What if he doesn't want to see me..." he whined before attempting to push the front door open. He was thrown backward as the door flew open, a slender woman with lengthy brown hair glaring down at him.

"Why are you here," she asked bitterly. "You're the blonde poisoning my Embry." her green eyes glared down at the Finn in disgust as she waited for a response.


"You what? You thought just because you had some dramatic life story my son would fall for you after you confided in him?" she scoffed and rolled her eyes, raising an eyebrow as she studied her son's now broken love interest.

Again, Finn felt himself completely wither away, and after he'd promised to make himself better. After he let Embry in.

"Your type disgusts me. Embry doesn't have time to waste on people like yourself. He already has someone lined up to date and marry."

Finn furrowed his eyebrows and sighed before lowering his eyelids. "They're all the same..."

As Finn left, she let out an ominous cackle and folded her arms over her chest before striding over to her tied up son. "Now that your Finn situation is over, how about apologizing to your mother?"

"Let me go, you crazy bitch!" he struggled against the rope and winced as it dug into his skin.

"I always loved seeing you ruin your bonds with other people. You always resembled a dying puppy." She danced her fingers over his neck and sucked in a sharp breath. "Your loyalty to your family should be without question, you know, it's bad enough you ran away."

"I ran away because you're a crazy bitch!" he let out a blood-curdling scream as she dug her nails into the flesh on his back. "Son of a bitch!"

"Language, Embry," she sang teasingly. "That's very unbecoming of you."

He glanced upward at the ceiling and groaned as she released him. She had a habit of scarring his back whenever she didn't get her way. "I'm going to kill you if you lay a finger on him."

"Now, what would your father think of that?" she giggled and placed a finger on the crease of her mouth, the red pins in her hair keeping her bangs to the side. "I might just play with him, though."

Her eyes squinted as she sneered, a shrill of laughter surrounding him as she tapped her chin. "I wonder... is he a virgin?"

"I swear if you-" He gagged as another spike of pain shot through his body, making him lurch forward.

"That's not what I asked," she hissed. "Answer your mother when she speaks to you."

"You sadistic bit-" Another howl of pain broke through the blanket of silence that fell over the diner. If Embry kept on entertaining his mother, he'd end up in the hospital- again.

She rested her cheek on Embry's shoulder and cooed. "Do you think you have a chance with him? A 'Class A' screw up like yourself? You'll just end up hurting him too."

"Untie me," he demanded. "Now."


Finn wiped the water from underneath his eyes and sniffled before twisting the front door open. "Ali?" he called out. "Are you home?" As he kicked off his shoes, he locked the door behind him and sucked up his pain. Whatever chemistry Finn thought they had, would have to get thrown away with his feelings.


Placing a hand on his arm as he crept into the kitchen, he heard a mass of noise emanating from upstairs. Upon scaling the carpeted steps, he followed the noise to Alistaire's room and paused at the door. Either he was exercising, or he had company.

A throaty groan escaped Alistaire's lips as he threw his head back, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead and neck. As Finn opened the room door and blushed, he smirked and gave him a sly wink. His body shook as he finished, another faint groan echoing in the room as he panted. "Care to join us?"

Before Finn could respond, Alistaire squinted and sauntered over to his lover, his eyes narrowed as he examined the puffiness underneath his eyes. Gripping Finn's face, he growled and scrunched up his nose. "What the hell happened to you?"

"I- I stubbed my toe against the coffee table as I entered."

Alistaire arched an eyebrow and fiddled with the 'F' on his necklace. "Do you... want me to kiss it better?"

"Maybe after a shower..," he whispered. "You smell like sweat."

"I was working out." Alistaire nudged him playfully and flashed Finn a devilish smirk before grabbing him by the waist. "Do you want to be my next exercise?" He brushed his lips over Finn's forehead and trailed a line of kisses down his neck.

"Alistaire..." Finn shrugged him away and pursed his lips. "I'm not in the mood."

The enthusiasm in the brunette's face dropped as he furrowed his eyebrows, his sweaty palms now gripping Finn's elbows. "Then when?!"

"When I'm ready... and I'm not ready..." he felt guilty for not being able to look Alistaire in the eyes. Embry had taken a toll on his mind, and even though he wanted nothing to do with him, Finn still had feelings for him.

"Is it because of what I said this morning about cheating?" he questioned.

"You cheating is nothing new, it's not like I don't know you still do it." He winced as his face was gripped, Alistaire's face only inches from his own.

"You know nothing," he spat. "It was one time."

"One-time cheating is one time too many."

Alistaire released his face and smirked, wiping his hands down his face before nodding to himself. In an instant, his right hand was raised, and Finn had realized, he'd said too much.