Chapter: 3 "Isolation to socialization" part 2

At last, my eyes started seeing blurred images of my surroundings, everything was colorful. A few minutes later I realized I was lying on a sofa with tons of people surrounding me. A super panicked and hyper tense Tara was hovering around me, yelling instructions at the crowd for pin-drop silence.

Finally, as I regained consciousness Tara helped me ease up in a sitting position and Vanessa offered me water which I gladly took and quenched my thirst with. Tara asked me how I was feeling.

And I replied:" Better but can you please tell me what happened to me."

I was still surrounded by so many unfamiliar faces but as my vision scanned the crowd, it met with a pair of red glowing eyes which made my body act on its own. I got up, surprising everyone, and pushed through the crowd trying to finally reach the owner of those intoxicatingly familiar eyes. And when I reached the spot I lunged to grab him by the collar of his shirt.

But shockingly my hands met with nothing but thin air and I fell to my knees as I had once again lost the chance of retrieving the answers I wanted so badly. Tara gripped my shoulders firmly and yelled, while tears streamed down from her hazel eyes,

" I am so sorry, this is all my fault, I shouldn't have tried to make you someone you were not."

I consoled her while she further burst into tears. My tears were also a heavyweight inside my chest so letting them fall freely made me feel better. The audience watched us constantly.

Vanessa spoke: " Girls are you just going to ruin all that makeup, that I spent hours on, just by crying."

Wow, she really had the guts to break the ice in such a tough crowd. I finally stood up and wiped my tears away and said:

" Sorry to be such a nuisance, and ruin your night but I came here to bury my nightmares and party all night. So let's get started!"

Indeed tonight I would enjoy myself to my heart's content. The DJ immediately put on a catchy beat and the music compelled me to rock the dance floor. As I walked towards a few guys winked at me gesturing me silently to dance with them but I hurried to my girls. Stella and Vanessa showed a couple of easy but sleek dance moves while Tara had gone to the restroom to freshen up.

Rachel refused to dance as she loved gambling with drunk guys. First I was nervous as I had never danced in public before but then I discovered the secret of dancing, Listen to the beat and let it control you.

A part of my mind was still concerned about the crimson eyed man, there was something peculiar yet interesting about him as this wasn't the only time I had met him, but whenever I strained on my memories in order to remember him, my thoughts became hazy and I felt dizzy.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice at all that Micheal Drew, my crush had asked me for a dance, after sometime Stella nudged me and I got my heads out of the clouds and replied:

" Yes, I would be delighted."

And afterwards, I didn't get a chance to see Tara as Mike was surely keeping me captivated. This was our fourth dance, then I said that I needed some refreshments otherwise I was going to faint, Mike laughed and said:

" I will gladly carry you all the way to your house if you pass out, Darling."