When I woke up, the first thing that I sensed was the warm, delicious smell of hot chocolate beside me. I was alone in my room so I thought that Tara had gone to the market for shopping but as I drank my hot chocolate, I realized that I was accompanied by Daniel, the Devil Prince.

He was in the kitchen, absorbed completely in his work. As I entered the kitchen, he made no move.

I asked:

"May I ask what the handsome Devil Prince is cooking in my kitchen?"

He chuckled:

" I am making pancakes for breakfast!"

I couldn't help but ask:

"The Devil Prince can make pancakes?"

"Yes, I can cook, clean, fight and I can also waltz"

I was impressed:

"Well, I can also dance, cook, sing and speak French!"

"Oh really! Then we will have a dance battle after breakfast."

"No way, first you tell me what the hell is going on?"

He explained everything clearly but I still had one major question.

"Why am I so calm after all these incidents?"

He replied:

"Because I constantly took all your bad memories away and cast relaxing spells on you, so that you wouldn't lose your mind, no human can bear this much tension without going mad."

After a moment of processing all that talk, I realized that he was the beacon of peace and light in my depressing world.

I asked him:

"Can you please tell me about my relationship with you?"

He sighed and faced me:

"Yes, I am your protector, guide and lastly your mentor. I will be training you so that you can fulfil your destiny, slaying my father, the Demon Lord"

Well, he was certainly an important person in my life.

"Okay, and if I refuse to fulfil my damned destiny, then what?"

He laughed cruelly:

"You think you can defy your destiny without facing serious consequences, you really are just a fragile flower."

My body burned with anger and hate.

"You think that a weak, fragile girl can defeat a Demon Lord?"

"Yes, if you want to you can, but I want you to know that I will be by your side forever."

My heart knew that very well so I replied:

"So if you'll go to Hell, you won't be alone I'll always be with you too."

He said:

"The pancakes are ready Viviane, let's eat, you have a tough day ahead of you."

So we enjoyed the delicious pancakes and I went to college later on.


When I came back, I found Daniel meditating in my lounge. He looked so handsome and peaceful, I never really focused on his features as his eyes were so damn captivating, they never let me focus on the rest of his face.

He had attractive eyes, a straight nose, a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. His jet-black hair complimented his pale skin.

I never realized that I had come so close to him while admiring his majestic looks.

Surprisingly he remained completely unbothered by me. He looked so human, not a trace of a bloodthirsty prince with a demon embedded inside of him.

I reluctantly tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention but he didn't respond at all, so I tried sprinkling water on his face but still no response so I gave up and went to change.

When I had changed I heard:

"Hey, Viviane welcome back, sorry I couldn't reply I was in a very important meeting with my mother."

I was surprised as it was the first time he mentioned his mother.

"But didn't she...?"

Sadness dulled his face.

"Yes, but she has the ability to contact me through my dreams or even when I am awake, she guides me constantly, she is the one who told me to find you."

"Oh! Can I see her?"

"Maybe but that will require some practice in mind communication and also your magical powers."

Well, that's a lot of work so I changed the subject.

"So why was I chosen to do this demon king-slaying job?"

He smiled:

"Because you were meant to do it and you are the only blood of her, the Angel Queen."

A question popped into my mind:

"Do I have a father? I mean is he alive?"

I got a short but painful reply.

"No. He was killed by a General of my father's."

I replied:

"No worries, I don't feel any sadness of losing someone I didn't even know existed until a few minutes ago."

But I felt something crack in the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly Daniel spoke:

"What do you think of me? Are you afraid of me?"

I laughed lightly.

"No way, you are my saviour, why should I be afraid of you?"

The light vanished from his face and his voice became deep.

"You should be, 'cause it's in my blood to kill you and your kind, regardless of my feelings towards you."

He wordlessly pinned me to a wall, bounding my wrists tightly and grinned viciously at me, we were almost sharing breath. His eyes became a shade of blood red.

I protested:

" What are you doing?! Let me go!"

He replied:

"The sight of you makes my blood boil and my heart race, I can't stop myself from consuming you, the demon inside me craves your blood."

I pushed him away and ran off to my room, I locked the door and decided not to open it even if someone came knocking at it.

I was so terrified, seeing a glimpse of the real Devil Prince was torturous.

He was always so calm and gentle even with that beast caged inside his chest, but my heart told me that he could no longer stop his inner demon from consuming me.

Part of me knew he possessed the power to kill me but my heart told me that it was time this beast was tamed by a fearless and beautiful maiden.

A voice inside my head spoke:

"Don't fear him for he is in great pain, try to ease his suffering, show him the beauty of life and teach him the art of love, only you can save my son from the darkness of the depths of Hell."