

Happiness is a state of mind that people to choose to have and it depends on how we make a choice to have it. Its different for every individual.  The thing which makes me happy may be frowning for you and vice versa. 

There's a tiny difference between happiness and smiling . Some smile when they are happy while others smile to be happy. There are many people out there who smiles but alone takes depression tablet to calm themselves down . We always search happiness in external things but it is our state of mind.

We should never search our happiness at the place where we lost it.

Once a man cracked a joke and all the people laughed . He cracked the same joke again and few people laughed . He cracked the same joke again and this time no one laughed and then he explained we people have a tendency to cry for the same reason again and again but we never laugh neither try to laugh again and again for the same reason. 

Happiness is not a fruit that grows on plants that can be plucked like a flower,neither its available on the market with a price tag it's a choice that we make . So choose to be happy.