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Follow the Pack

In the hours of arriving at Oyster Bay the first time, Chance and McSweeney scouted the area of the port prior to heading to Auden park. 

Neal could be anywhere, they figured, as with Stabler or Bright, though the latter was suspected of being elsewhere. During their scouting, the two men asked questions about the hostile Hellfire Arm users either if they've seen them. 

On Chance's side, he saw the fearful gazes of the people in the city looking at him as he questioned them, even if his tone was calm and professional. He cursed himself deep down inside. All of the nation might as well be afraid of him and the other Hellfire Arm users. 

But once this is all over, I'll be back to normal alongside the others, he thought as he met up with McSweeney. 

"Got anything?" Chance asked.