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Clash of the Overpowered

Bright stood in his colossal form. The thunder was singing its own song of terror as rumbles from the sky followed him approaching the center of Vanderhurst, where Valefar, Karmoz and Denton watched on. 

"Damn he's as tall as you now when you were in your Duke form." Karmoz said to Valefar. 

"Valefar!" Silverton appeared in a shining flash within the air, before he was seen flying down toward the roof where the 3 demons were. Well, 2 demons and one former human to be more exact by the time Silverton had a good look at who he was looking at right now. 

"These are the sons of bitches then." Silverton said. He had a suitcase in his right hand, one in charcoal black and running with orange streams of tiny flames. 

"Yeah, pleased to meet you." Karmoz sarcastically remarked. "Can't we just focus on the actual task at hand?"

Silverton paid no attention to Karmoz, as the silver eyed demon looked at Andrew Denton, whose eyes were glaring at him back.