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The Discussion Between Demons

Bright's body evaporated alongside the crimson that previously covered all of the buildings as well as the crimson skies. They decimated slowly into nothingness, to be carried by the wind. It seemed logical, as the source of crimson was no longer alive. 

Valefar saw the lifeless body of Bright, the crimson Dripper no longer talking big or whatever. The crimson man's goals were dead, as his original self. The Representative didn't notice Denton also staring at the evaporating crimson body. 

Valefar soon saw a series of guns, but they were too oddly shaped for normal weapons. He recognized them as other Hellfire Arms Bright held, among them was the Cobra Spitter, which as it name suggested, had a small cobra slithering alongside its barrel. The Hellfire Arm itself had a shining silver chrome to it, but Valefar knew what it was capable of: shooting venomous bullets that can paralyze an enemy.