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Passing Through the Bay, V

It was a pleasure to hunt. 

Hunch Harvey became a well of information, about the Drippers. The former Hellfire Arm user of Misery who was in his late 40s did more than sing like a bird when it came to Drip Work Inc: he led an entire symphony. 

He gave him certain names of Drippers, and what they were like, what their faces looked like. Even better for Valefar, Hunch was able to use his eyes as a projection to show Valefar what the Drippers looked like the last time he saw them. 

Clothes didn't matter in terms of what a Dripper may look like, it was the face that counted, even though Drippers were known to look as casual as the next citizen. 

Bright had set up the organization a while back, long before Hunch met him. At the time, he was still hanging out with Wes Riskell's crew, including Lloyd Howitzer and the early Hellfire Arm user, Graham.