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A Burning Message

"What the hell is this?" Holt spoke as he stared at Cultro, holding the two suitcases full of money. 

"For your own sake, stay put. Nobody's looking out for you here."

"Then why are you here?"

"To show you something to believe again." Cultro explained as a dark two seater Wyeth arrived. The car was cool and sharp, its back end resembling a plane yet at the same time, quite retro. The exterior was darker than night itself, but the inside was pure blood red. Holt's eyes widened when the windows were rolled down. 

He looked at the driver's seat, his own mouth opened in shock. "Nobody's there."

"Get in." Cultro circled the car. "Unless you wanna walk home and risk people knowing your face."

"What makes you say that?"

"You think I didn't know about what happened not long ago? About Maldici using his Hellfire Arm to warp the sky and do crazy shit?"