----- Subject Zero Pov ------
"What are you going to do now?" Commander Sheperd ask me.
"Well, I do not know. I just know I do not wish to stay at this place any longer and I will be destroying it when I leave" I replied in my melodious yet nearly monotonous voice.
"Join me and my crew in our fight against Serin and the Reapers" Commander asked not surprising the crew in the slightest since they had already talked about it before hand.
"I do not wish to harm the innocent and I do not wish to spread unneeded pain or suffering on anyone. If these people or things you are fighting are innocent, I will not join you and attempt to stop you" I said with a blank look on my face.
"""""THEY ARE NOT INNOCENT!!!!!""""" all five of them yelled at me and I could feel the emotions of anger and hate they held for those they fight.
"Serin and The Geth following him have already attacked and killed many innocent people trying to bring back the Reapers a race of sentient machines that want to wipe out all advanced life in the universe like they did to the Protheans before us" Commander Shepeard spoke. Followed by the others saying similar things and their emotions clear as day showed me that they were telling the truth.
"I have a few conditions. One if you go of the path, you have set and start to harm innocents then I will walk, and no one can stop me. Two Subject Zero Died here. You can say you found me in a cell awaiting my turn at experimentation. Three no one can know about my past in this place without my consent. Since I will be joining your strike team in the future if anyone else on the strike force that is not here can be told and I assume you have a doctor on your ship they can be told as well. Though any data she gathers cannot be shared with anyone else. I have no desire to lose my freedom so shortly after gaining it to become someone else's lab rat. The last condition is I need help going over all my gear though I don't think there is anything can never be too careful when Cerebrus is involved. " I speak to the commander after hearing what their goal is.
"That is all understandable and agreeable conditions." The Commander paused for a second.
"What will your name be? What do you remember of your past before you came here to this facility?" he finally asked while looking me in the eye.
"Let me answer your second question first. I remember my name was Nathaniel Sheperd. I remember a park and being behind a tree that is all. As for my name Alloy Cross seems fitting since I am a cross of a lot of various species and an alloy is different metals combined into one." I answer truthfully not really concerned with a past I barely remember and either way I needed a name that fit my current form.
"We can talk more on the ship later but know this my name is John Sheperd. According to the data we got from the facility you were my little brother that was kidnaped from a park we were playing, and our parents have always been looking for you and when I was old enough, I joined in the search, but Cerberus hides itself well. I am happy to have found you and angry at what those assholes have done to you. Later I hope you will agree to meet our parents, so they know you are alive" The Commanders words poured out and I could feel he was barely holding on. I could feel the love he had for his sibling, the sadness that he could not have done something sooner, the anger and hate for those that did this to me. I could feel the concern and uncertainty of how I would react to this.
" Well for now.... brother. I think I will go by Alloy Cross until the time I can meet our parents and discuss things with them in person. After I meet them, we can discuss how and if we can announce publicly that we are family. For now I want to blow this place up and get off this rock" I speak hesitant for a moment before I call him brother.
The commander looked relaxed and released a breath he did not realize he was holding at my response. He nodded and held his fingers up to his ear "Joker prepare for pick-up plus one"
"Aye, Aye commander" came Joker's response over comms.
I go over to a computer and begin the process of hacking it and getting into the system. Tali had already deleted all the data, so I didn't bother looking. After getting into the system, I rerouted it to one of my omni-tools and started heading for the door. "Let's Go" I speak as I leave.
The others are confused and finally Wrex spoke up " I thought you wanted to blow this hell hole up?"
"Oh, I am I rerouted the facility to my omni-tool once we get a safe distance, I am going to overload their reactor it is an experimental one that shows good promise in the energy sector. But it has a few flaws that they needed to work on they had it in this facility to test how it would work on experiments like mine and powering a facility of this size. It works in another year and a half should be ready for mass production. My plan is very simple I will use these flaws to cause a chain reaction in the reactor and if I am right should make a big ass crater where the facility was. Just sit back and watch the fireworks. " I speak with a slight smile as we walk to evac.
We reach a shuttle that was brought out front leaving the doors open we start to fly away as I type away on my omni-tool. I then hold up three fingers and bring them down and once all three fingers are down. There is a large explosion making a huge fire ball explode upwards into the sky leaving a huge mushroom cloud where the facility once was. The door to the shuttle closes and the scans show the facility is no longer in existence.
------------- Normandy Alloy POV-------------
The game does not do the Normandy Justice even though it is still a small ship compared to others in the fleet it is still much larger than the game made it seem. The bay with the mako is way larger with enough room for the ground vehicle along with a couple shuttles. In the bay there is also the lockers for the strike team and work benches to work on gear on one side. On the other is everything needed to keep the mako and shuttles in working order to be able to be used in a moment's notice.
As we entered Garrius went to work on the Mako his calibrating tendencies already beginning to show. Wrex went over to one of the weapon work benches to start tweaking his Shotgun after the last fight though easy to him gave him time to think of some upgrades.
" Well let's give you the grand tour shall we" Commander said going forward talking about the various stations. When we got to the elevator, he pointed to the doors beside it.
" That leads to the core of the ship " he said simply as we got on the elevator some reason Tali and Liara following us.
Unlike the slow elevator of the game this one had a speed setting depending on if you were carrying fragile cargo or not so we got to the top rather quickly. He took us to down a hall to the right pointed out the female bathroom, female crew bunk room, and female strike team room.
" The strike team bunk room has four beds but at the moment only you..." before Shepherd could finish Tali and Liara jumped in
""I will be staying here to"" both said at the same time.
"Looks like you will have roommates now" Shepherd said with a chuckle.
He pointed the other side mirrored this one just for the males. He then pointed out escape pods, cryogenic sleep pods, the med bay, gym, commander's quarters, mess hall, kitchen, comms room, CIC, command post, and cockpit.
It was a quick tour of the ship not going into the areas used by the techs to maintain the ship just the areas I most likely go to while with the crew on their mission. Along the way he introduced me to the crew that stayed on the ship. The only people I had yet to meet where the two members of the strike team that stayed on the ship during the mission that got me out of that hell hole. He said he would bring them to meet me later and I agreed.
He left to give his report on the mission, and I was wondering what I should do after all it's going to be a bit before Commander chooses his next destination and then our arrival their depending upon departure time could be a few hours to a few days.
" Alloy, Liara could you help me move my things to the strike team room" Tali asked.
We both agreed. We went to the core room, and I was in awe as Chief Engineer Adams explained about the core. After appreciating the engineering beauty of the core. I helped Liara and Tali gather the various items that the young quarian had been tinkering with. It took a couple trips, but we got everything moved.
The Strike Team Bunkroom had four of everything beds, desk, desk chairs, computers, and lamps. In the middle was a table with four chairs around it. We moved two of the desks together to make a bigger work bench for Tali by one of the beds.
" Tali try and keep all your tech toys on the work area so we don't trip on anything. Would want to break anything" I tease Toli.
"Y y yes that that we don't" Tali said a little flustered.
I looked at Liara " you got anything needing moved?"
" No just some clothes that I can get later" Liara pushed my question aside.
"Ok you two let's sit down and talk you can tell me about yourselves and help me piece together the events that have happened since I was taken and popped into a tank that Cerberus did not deem important to impart to my brain " I say moving to the table in the center of the room and taking a seat at one of the chairs.
Liara and Tali looked at each other and nodded before joining me at the table. To prevent talking over each other I pointed at Tali "You first since your childhood was perhaps the closest to mine. Me being stuck in a tank and you growing up in a suit. Not that anyone can have a childhood anywhere near living in a tank except those that have lived it. Still, yours would be the closest"
Though I am speaking a lot there is little to no emotion in my voice and my face is like stone lacking any expression. I can feel that these two are trying to get close to me, but I cannot tell why. Yes, I find both of them interesting more so than any human. Though at this point in time it is doubtful that I would find interest in any human that did not involve me torturing or killing them. True I will not target any innocents but my limited interaction with the humankind has not been exactly rainbows and kittens.
They then began to share a little of their lives with me. What it's like living in the Migrant Fleet for Tali and what it's like growing up as a pure blood Asari raised by her mother Matriarch Benezia alone. As I listened to the stories, I could feel the happiness and sadness along with other emotions laced throughout the stories.
---------- POV Commander Shepard Comms -------------
I power walked nearly running directly to comms room after giving a short tour to Alloy. Along the way I grab Ashely and brought her along with me.
"Computer, give me a real time connection to Dreadnought Kilimanjaro. I want to speak to my mother, XO Shepard" I am struggling to hold onto my emotions at this moment.
"Shepard Spe--- Oh, hi. I don't have time for a personal call. I am on duty" Hannah Shepard
"I know what that's like" I say and pause for a moment "Mother I have found Nate" I speak again, and my emotions start to show more in my voice. Ashely is shocked and there is a pause.
"You really found him you have really found little Nate please don't joke around with this" Hannah spoke her voice breaking.
"I am not joking but he has changed a lot, and I promised to let them explain and talk to people about what has happened. We will be heading to the Citadel soon we have a few things to do on our way so it should not be more than a month before we arrive. " I speak having trouble controlling my emotions.
"I understand son. The Kilimanjaro is scheduled for a retrofit and OEM maintenance that is slated to last two months. I was already planning to ask for a portion of that as leave, but now I will be taking that entire two months as leave and spend it on the Citadel" Hannah Shepard.
"Alright mom I will see you in about a month and we can work this all out" I reply
"Love you son. Kilimanjaro out." Hannah Shepard
"Ash I will take you to see Nate, but he has really changed. Needs a to be seen by Dr. Chakwas after what they went through" I speak stopping her from speaking and I head out to find my little brother or little sister now that is going to take some time getting used to. Ash follows me out of the comms room as we make our way to Nate.... no Alloy.