Chapter 4: Species revise

Hey there, Gunner here! So I want to inform my readers of some information regarding the chapters. I will be going through and fixing stuff. grammer, loop holes, etc. I'm transferring this Novel over from wattpad. It wasn't doing well there but a representative of Webnovels reached out to me. So now we are here! So please bear with me up to Chapter 8. thats the last tranfer!

Sincerely, Gunnerjackel97! P.S.- Have a good day!

So this is to help readers understand what each race basically is.

See for those of you who dont know, the separation of helios and milways or milkyway decendants.

Andromeda or aka the helios cluster is the closest neighboring galaxy to ours, the milkyway.

The milkyway and helio Species will be given a description of appearance to my best extent.

Humans- no need for me to explain us lol.

The history- in the year 2033 the U.S. and Russia were neck to neck in space force development but had realized for the safety of humanity, they should unit and combine their space forces. This was first step that lead the the U.E.F. (United Earth Federation)

Draco- ranging from 5-10ft, reptile, have snouts, yellow eyes, 2 large wings, and a tail that can be used to fight or help left things.

History- Draco are known as ruthless warriors and were one of the many reptile species in the milkyway but were the first reptile species to join other races on a major scientific endeavors. Some habits don't die.

Valarians- they are similar to humans, the main difference is pigment and body mass. Their skin colors are blue, purple, and rarely pink. Their eyes colors can be red, pink, green, and a rare chance of yellow. They can have black, red, pink, and rarely white hair.

History- Valarians have always been explorers and hunters. Their faster and more agile than almost any species but their weaker phycially.

They get along well with humans and have similar reproductive organs.

Their known well for work of assassins, scouts, climbing, speed, and reflexes.

Eloch- thin, short, and quick creatures no hair and they have orange eyes. Their vocal cords and mouth movement is limited, they usually wear translators. Their skin is usually a brown like color. Amphibian like. Very agile and can stick to various surfaces. They're well known for being quiet and undectable.

History- not exactly known for their combat. The Eloch were seen and used for their agile stealth and ability to learn many different feilds with almost no issues. Commonly found in jobs that seem to be lacking in people

Gorgons- snake like people. There are 5 varients of this race. Mambas, Devils, Asil, Crons, and Nilo. Each with their own unique features and abilities.

History- known to be brutal and relentless fighters, the Gorgons tribes united and seen to the stars. To seek out challengers snd to be eventually mercenaries.

Xion- 1 eyes, tall, humanoid, 3 fingers, forms vary, and Synthetic.

History- the Xion's creators died off due to a disease that wiped out their whole species, the Xion came to Helios to find a possible cure to this disease and to revive their creators. They are mostly peaceful, until someone gets in the way of their goal.

Tenovi'- shapeshifters, no exact set appearance.

History- the Tenovi' gained the ability to shapeshifter to avoid predators. By either changing to the surroundings or being the predator. They specialize mostly in finance. They helped establish the economy in the milkyway and helios.

Yu' no- humanoid bird people. No variants.

History- Known to be some of the best pilots and aerospace mechanics and engineers. These beings are ship focused.

The Brasnick- divided into 5 houses. House of Nomads, Archon, Ravagers, Devils, and Fate. Known adult sizes are from 5ft to 20ft, 4 arms, bipedal, natural muscle build, 6 eyes, 3 fingers and 1 thumb, 3 toes(one in the heel and 2 on the front), and known to have immense agility. Their biology is unnatural, their jaws are wide and large, a face similar to a humans but bigger and a smooth nose and no hair. Their eyes can have the colors of glowing red and orange. They have 2 rows of teeth. Pointed teeth but over laying lips for speech. Their skin is dark with ash grey patches of rough skin. They have a unnatural ability to breath almost any gas but each gas has its own affect. 

Helios species-

Ūmolo- humanoid bodies but they have thin natural armor plates along the limbs. They're yellow or orange by color and no nose. They usually have green or blue eyes.

History- the Ūmolo were one of the most advanced races ever recorded and when they met the milkyway species, they did with open arms. Their people we split though, the xeno accepting and the xenophobia. At some point an outbreak happened that spread to all but 1 planet that held the Ūmolo. This disease had regressed the Ūmolo intelligence back to the stone age. The only Ūmolo planet that wasn't affected, is their homeworld. Which has been quarantined and guarded by their super weapons. Other Ūmolo got help from allies and are quickly regaining old knowledge. Their artifacts and technology is valuable.

The Fuson- human like stature but are composed entirely of crystal, no real need for any substances.

History- a very peaceful race of brutes. They have never been known to start fights but rather finish them. Their are 3 genders to them. Male, female, and shaloon. Shaloon can only form when a 2 Fuson fuze in a lovers bond. This allows them to add to eachother and become one.

Ento- these beings are 6-9ft, skin has similar color to desert rocks. They have natural armor along many parts of their bodies, these natural armor plates contain traces of Titanium and Calcium. they have 2 eyes that can be orange, red, or yellow. their body color is a evolution trait to camouflage into rocks. 4 fingers and a thumb. They naturally can lift almost a whole 2 tons. The plates can absorb most forms of impact. They have 2 of every valuable organ. Still very intelligent.

History- Ento were realized as the strongest species biologically. This had driven the Ento into a power craz that started a 30 year war. In the end, the Ento were still seen as the strongest but also as Helios lowest from of warrior. Their very xenophobic against milkyway species.

Yesel- Reptile, a small slouch, and are very similar to the thorned devil lizard, just no blood squirting and human like faces.

History- They are a very aggressive species, they try to keep their homeworld Yesel ony. No real form of military.

Tilion- Shark like beings, that can survive on dry lands, with a doubled water intake. They mostly crawl on all 4 when on land, not always.

History- these beings have had the hardest time technology advancing. They usually in shallow and deep waters but they also prefer water worlds but those are rare. Great swimmers and advance colony technology.

If there are any questions, comment!