Lili two part

It has turned out much better than expected, don't you think?

Although I must admit your last move is something that I did not expect in the least, you have little chance of getting home without a forceful scolding from Abella.

I nodded as he let the breeze gently hit my face.

We had climbed onto the hood of the car and found ourselves staring at the stars and drinking a few beers to end the day.

-Yes, I am sorry I did not tell you before, it is a complicated matter and I knew that you would not give in to risk Lili in all this, but now she will be in witness protection and will have a calmer life or so I think, in the end, her adoptive parents to they will go to prison soon so it went well for everyone

- I have a feeling that you have done all this with another intention.

I looked at the old man surprised by his words