
Welcome everyone, Agent Hansen, Agent Rodríguez, Angente Nicols, as you will understand, today's meeting will be somewhat extensive and I did not quote you here to hear bad news or more extensions

They are aware that this case has me with one arm extended and the other signing my resignation, my head and that of all of you is on this table

-Excuse me Abella, I thought Agent Nicols was removed from the Thomson case

I claimed, it was not possible to see that subject again sticking his nose in something so important

-He is, he is not here because he will be of help, raise your hands Nicols

His shoulder raised his hands to reveal the handcuffs on them, as well as a small detector on his right hand.

-He is detained, it is Miguel's main piece, it was also old Thomson's, I am not going to recite poems here or say how I did not see it before, because let's be honest if I saw it before, I just couldn't object to anything