Episode 03

Natasha's POV:

Today is Saturday the day we've all choosen to go for our tour in the forest as planned. The good part of it is,our parents had accepted our little or big lies whichever you wanna call it we've told them.

Bernie, Cathy and Trish were at my place already as we waited for a cab we've arranged to come pick us up by 11am.

I've packed everything necessary for us to use and the most important of all which is the map. Checking my bagpack again to confirm if everything is intact, I became fully ready for this...hmm...adventure tour as I stare at my bag that contains all I needed. I gave a sigh and zipped my bag as I heard a horn.

"Nat, hurry up the driver is here", my mum yelled to my hearing as I was still in my room.

"I'll be downstairs in a minute", I yelled back at her as I glance at myself in the mirror.

I was putting on a blue jean and an orange top with my gray hoodie jacket and then my white and black canvas was my footwear. No touch of make-up because I'm not a fan of it and besides I was going to a forest, so who cares about how I looked or maybe the animals do. I grin at that stupid thought as I combed my hair and packed it into a ponytail. I put on my sunglasses and I hanged my small bag across my neck and put my phone and some cash in it. Given myself one more glance, I was ready for this.

"Hey girls",I called out to my friends as I came downstairs and walked to the kitchen to carry our sandwiches which my mum had packed for us in a small bag. I put the pack of sandwiches inside my bagpack and I zipped it up.

"You look hot babe, I must say this is the actual outfit for...." Cathy trailed off when she got a smack on her arm from Trisha to shut her up. I guess our little secret almost slipped off from her mouth.

I watched as Trisha shot Cathy a cold glare as Cathy kept rubbing the spot she was hit.

"We should head out now,the driver is waiting for us", I said breaking the silence between them. "Mum,do take care of my boy, make sure you give him everything he wants", I said to my mum.

"Yes ma, I'll be the maid for today to your brother, if not I won't be paid", my mum replied sarcastically.

"Oh mum, I didn't mean that", I said pulling her to a hug and pecked her.

"Don't stay too long,OK?" my mum said and I nodded. "And be careful", she added.

"I will mum. I love you" I said to my mum.

"I love you more, honey" my mum replied and she released my hands from hers after that.

"Where are you going, sister?" I heard my little brother who has just woken up asked.

I turnaround and saw him standing few steps away from the staircase. I went over and squat in front of him holding his hand and my other hand on his cheek. "Oh my little brother, I'm just going to the beach with my friends, I'll be back by sundown. OK?" I assured with a smile.

"Can I join you?" he asked.

"No,cutie. You can't come with us. Maybe next week we can go on ours with mum and dad. How about that?" I asked.

"You promise?" he asked with a pout.

"Yes, I promise. We'll go to the beach next week" I answered.

"Okay", he replied with a smile.

"Now that's my brother. Give me a kiss" I requested and he did kissed me on my cheeks. I kissed him all over his face which got him giggling and after that, I pulled him to a hug when I heard a horn.

"C'mon, let's get going already" Trisha yelled at us.

"We're leaving already" I replied her releasing my brother from the embrace.

"Who is she?" I heard my brother asked pointing at Catherine.

"Oh, she's my new friend. She's Catherine by name" I answered.

"Hello cutie,you can call me Cathy if you want" Cathy chirped in with a smile extending her hand to his.

"I'm Ethan" my brother replied shaking her hand and smiling at her.

"Cute name for a cute boy like you" Cathy said still holding his hand.

"Thank you", my brother replied with a blushed face.

"Awwn, you look cuter this way with a blush", Cathy said grinning at my brother. "Can we be friends?" she asked.

"I like you already, so its a yes" my little brother answered with a wide grin.

"You're so adorable", Cathy said and placed a peck on his cheek.

"I'm gonna change my mind right now if I wait one more minute!" We heard Trisha yelled from the doorstep.

"That's why I don't like you that much", my brother called back at her with an eye roll.

"I don't care if you like me or not, little brat", Trisha retorted walking back inside to get my brother but I was already at the front of both of them while my brother ran behind me for protection with a giggle. I grin at the drama.

"Trish, he's just teasing you. Please let my brother be" I said.

"He's given me a tongue out" my dear Trisha complained making a move to hit him, "just wait till I get you" she muttered while I held her hand.

My mum, Cathy and Bernie were busy laughing at the drama going on between my friend and my brother.

Another horn from our patient driver.

"C'mon girls, let's get going before our driver changes his mind" I said smiling.

"I'll be right back for you, brat" Trisha said to my brother before turning to walk out.

" I'm not a brat"my little naughty brother retorted while still hiding behind me.

Trisha mumbled what I think is a cuss word and growled before walking out of my parents house.

"I should have just let her deal with you. You're so stubborn" I told my brother after Trisha has gone out followed by Bernice remaining myself and Cathy.

"I like him that way", Cathy chirped in winking at me.

"You're just being naughty as he is. Now let's get going" I replied her and we waved at my mum and my brother before rushing out of the house.


Checking at my silver wristwatch, we got to the forest road by 2pm.

"Please sir, do not disclose our whereabouts to our parents as we've told you earlier before bringing us here. OK?" I reminded the driver while still seated in the car.

"Okay. But... what are young girls like you going there to do without even having a male in your midst?" the driver asked.

"We just wanna try something unusual. Its our first time, we just want to have a little fun. I heard this forest is one of the beautiful forest you can think of in USA, are you aware of that?" Cathy asked.

"Well...yes.. but, it has disadvantages as well. Just as other forest, it sure has its own dangerous creatures in there", the driver said making us to feel a bit scared.

"Don't worry, nothing is gonna happen to us. We'll be back safe and sound just like most people have", I assured with a smile.

"Enough of the lectures, let's get going already", Trisha said opening the cab door and came out. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that.

"Okay, please be safe. I might come back here to pick you guys by sundown. Is that OK by you?", he asked.

"Yes, it'll be a relief to us. Be here by 6pm we should be out by then", I said to him.

"OK", he replied and me and my remaining friends came out of the cab.

He waved a goodbye at us and we waved back before he zoomed off right from our sight.

I gave a big sigh and asked, "So, are you guys ready?".

"Very ready" Cathy answered bringing out her camera from her bag and hung it on her neck.

"Same with me", Bernie answered too adjusting her black leather jacket.

"We are all ready, captain", Trish replied putting on her sunglasses.

I smiled at them. "Then..let's go in there!" I exclaimed with a smirk.

"And what about the map?" Cathy asked.

"Its right here with me", I answered.

"You should bring it out now so we can know what routes that would lead us to the camp", Bernie said.

"Certainly", I replied digging out the map which I had printed out from my phone yesterday for us to use. "So, here it is", I said to my friends showing them the map.

"This looks like something that requires a navigation" Cathy said with a raised brow staring at me.

"Navigation?", I asked with a furrowed brow.

"Yes. I mean looking at this map alone, I feel there's a navigation needed", she said again.

I gaped at her. My heart did some fast beating.

Bernie and Trish just stared at us dumbly without offering any opinions on this new findings.

Let's just say, we just stared at each other looking dumbfounded.