Episode 12

Bernice's POV:

We've being drenched by the rain, and seeing our dear friend Cathy passed out we did everything we could to revive her. When she finally woke up, Trish and I helped her up and walked forward in search of a shelter. After a long walk walk, with the aid of the constant lightening from the sky, we spotted a small wooden house in the forest and we felt relieved at the sight of it.

We got to the house and knocked on the door and then waited for response. No response. I knocked again, still we got no response.

"Hello! Anybody there?" Trish yelled but no sound or a sight of a human.

"Please let us in"! I yelled.

"I guess we have to unluck this godamn door" Trish hissed. She's just so impatient.

"How do you wanna do that?" I asked raising a brow at her.

"Just one kick would do" Trish replied with a smirk. Really? She wants to break into someone's home? Well, I wouldn't mind if she did though.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I stepped back with Cathy who was still cold and weak from the whole stress she's been through and then Trish did a 1-3 counting before kicking the door with all the strength she could muster up.

A wide grin spread on our face when the door flew open. "Yes!"we exclaimed and she came close and did a group hug. After some seconds, we let go of ourselves and walked in cautiously to the dark filled room and shut the door.

With our mind eyes we tried touching the walls to get a switch on so we could get light in this room. But to our dismay, this wooden house isn't like the city houses that switches are being connected to the walls.

"No switch to put on a light?" Trish half-yelled in the dark.

"Looks like it" I replied heaving a sigh.

"Who in his right senses will build a house in this modernized era without a power supply?" Trish asked in an exasperated tone.

"Trish this house is in a forest as you can see, its hard to get power supply in this kind of place, perhaps if you were talking about a lamb I'll agree with you" I replied trying to have an equanimity.

"Damn it! He shouldn't have built it in the first place since he can't put a power......"

Trish trailed off when a light came up in the room making darkness to varnish.

We all gazed up in astonishment at the sudden sudden light that filled the room. Cathy who was feeling tired and dizzy shielded her eyes from the brightness of the light that suddenly filled the room. She was surprise as we were. This was really strange.

"Gosh!" Trish exclaimed.

My eyes roam all corners of the room. The room was filled with pretty vase flowers in all corners of the room, a white three-in-one couch by the right, a wooden table sort of like a reading table by the right hand side of the room which was covered with white clothing and then four vases of different flowers was on the table. Two candles was on the table as well.

Averting my gaze to the other side of the room, I saw a dinning table with three chairs rounded on it. On the table was one vase flower, a basket of fruits and also a jug. Looking up the roof, there was a ceiling fan and it was on. Glancing back at the table with vases of flowers, beside it was a small library of books. On the wooden walls were beautiful wallpapers like gardens, fountains, birds and more making the house look more beautiful. Taking a look at the left hand side, a small entrance caught my attention. That must be the kitchen I presumed. Or could it be...?

"How on earth could someone decorate such a beautiful place in a forest?" Trish questioned making me to jars out of my awe filled thoughts.

"Well...isn't it obvious?. He's got some sense after all" Cathy finally said releasing herself from my hold.

"I totally agree with you. I was wrong about my first statement" Trish reckoned.

"Are you OK now, Cathy?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm better now" Cathy replied taking a sit on the couch.

I gave a nod and gulped. I'm feeling some numbness in me. How can such a beautiful place be in the forest? Oh, it could be is one of those rooms visitors stay in whenever they were here. But even at that, it's strange how a light could come up all of a sudden. Someone must be staying here.

I closed the door behind me and tried locking it but I couldn't because the locks have been damaged by Trish when she kicked it open. I went to the dinning table and took two chairs to place on the door so it'll close to my satisfaction. As if that wasn't enough I searched around and saw a nail I picked it up and found a heavy metal I could use to nail it firmly on the door as our new lock. Fortunately I succeeded in doing that, a slight relief watches over me as I glance round the room again.

"Girls?" I said while my eyes kept roaming in the room like a ticking of a clock.

"Hmm?" They both answered.

"Are you guys having an odd feeling like I'm having?" I asked.

"Oh please, don't start with your odd feelings things. We should be thankful we finally got a place for the night rather than being pessimistic" Trish shut me up and took a sit on the couch.

"I'm being serious, Trisha, we need to get.....",

"Don't dare tell me what to do Bernice. I've gone through a lot for one day, all I need right now is to rest my head so I can think straight. If you don't want to stay here you can fucking leave" Trish cut me mid-sentence.

"Hey, calm down Trish. It hasn't gotten to that for you to use such words on Bernie. She was just trying to reason the whole thing with....."

"Don't tell me to calm down. What does she wants to reason with me? Bad thoughts is all I know she has in mind to say, and I'm saying I don't want to hear it. I just need to rest that's all I ask from her, just let me be because right now I'm so exhausted and when I'm exhausted I get pissed easily. So please tell her to keep shut so I won't take my anger on her" Trisha warned Cathy to pass the message to me like I wasn't right there listening to her.

I gasp in disbelief at my friend. Cathy walked up to me and rubbed my shoulders to stay calm. I gave a nod and placed my hand on hers given her an assuring squeeze.

"Man! I'm so damn hungry. They ought to be a food here somehow" Trish complained few minutes later.

Cathy and I glance at each other with furrowed brows. "Seriously Trish, you want food now? You're so unpredictable" I shook my head and walked to the dinning chairs and took a sit.

Trisha gave a manly growl. "Must you object to everything I say? Can't I be hungry anymore because I'm in an godforsaken place?" she snapped at me.

"Shh. Lower your voice Trisha. What's wrong with you? Why are you being all paranoid?" Cathy asked with a scowl.

Silence. Silence then followed with a low sobs. It was coming from Trisha. Oh my God, what have we done. We made her cry, this can't be. I stood up from where I was sitting and rushed up to sit beside her. Cathy did the same on the left handside of her. "We're sorry, Trish. We didn't mean to hurt you. We..."

"Its...okay... Its all my fault. Cathy..is...right...I'm acting all paranoid...and that's because I'm sick and tired of this whole thing...I've never being in such a...situation like this before... I'm..I'm ...becoming scared....I won't make it out of..." Trish interrupted me in a croaked voice.

I silence her by placing my finger on her lips. "Don't jinx it, Trish, don't. We're going to make it out of here all alive. Okay?" I assured her but she didn't look convinced.

"But...but...our friend Natasha..is gone" Cathy said quietly and I felt sad.

"No, she's not dead. I have a feeling she's still alive" I said to them with confidence. I don't know what made me feel this way, but I was so certain once in my life time about something like this, that Natasha is still alive.

"How would you know that?" Trisha asked gazing up at me.

I heaved a sigh and replied. "Its just an intuition I have" I paused and noticed our wet clothes are still on us. "Won't you girls like to take of your clothes and hang it somewhere so it could dry up before morning?" I asked diverting their attention to something else than talking about Nat because if they dare talk about her more in the next one minute I'll start crying.

She's my best friend for crying out loud, how do I cope with her dead? Godforbid it though, not my Natasha.

"Ah...yeah...you're right" they replied in unison.

We took off our jacket then our tops. Now it was remaining just our trousers and our sport bras. We didn't take it off, we sat down on the couch with it and the three of us rested our head on each other shoulder. Then my eyes caught sight of a clock. Could this clock be correct I asked myself inwardly. I took a second glance at it and it was ticking. "Its 12:05am, girls" I mumbled out loud.

"Are you dreaming?" Trish asked with a snort.

"Of course not. Look up on the wall and you'll see a clock" I answered. She gazed up and saw the time.

"Oh..seen" she replied quietly and rested her head back on my shoulders.

"I think we should have some sleep so we could brace up ourselves in the morning" Cathy suggested.

"Yeah, that's the best" I said. Since I was sitting in the middle of Trish and Cathy, I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and they rested their head on my chest and couple of minutes later I fell asleep.


A sudden pounding on the door woke me up. At first I thought it was in a dream but I realized I was awake. The pounding came up again and I jolted making both girls to jolt with me.

"Hey what..?" I covered Trisha's mouth with my palm before she could say more.

"There's someone at the door" I whispered to them and they stared at me with wide eyes. I glanced at the clock and it was past 2am. "Its so late at night, who would it be?" I asked.

"Maybe the owner of where we are staying?" Cathy answered rhetorically in a whisper.

"Or an evil spirits?", Trish Whispered and I scowled at her.

"Don't jinx it now, Trish" I whispered back and then a loud pounding came up at the door again. We shuddered at that and held each other hands looking all scared. Are we safe?

What do you think is going to happen next to Bernice and co? Your comments are welcome.