Episode 30

Playlist ~ Please Dont Go – Stephanie Rainey

Victoria's POV:

Getting to the morgue and seeing my daughter's corpse was unexpected. My only child is death? Someone should please tell me is a joke or a dream or....I don't know, just tell me it ain't real. She wasn't sick, she was healthy and strong when she left yesterday to go hangout with her friends. What then happened? Are you sure is my daughter or someone that looks like her? I opened the covered body again to confirm is my daughter and truly it was her.

I slumped to the ground and screamed so hard that it was possible that my voice could be heard by the world. I cried so much and rolled on the floor that the officers were finding it hard to have a firm grip on me. Where did I go wrong in this world? Why would death take my only child that gives me happiness? My husband is not always around because of his business, he's always traveling every two days.