A Guide into Questions

Axle's POV

I followed Morai for what felt like an eternity. I never felt hungry or ran out of stamina. The days seem to pass and yet I don't get tired. She finally stopped at what looked like a large boulder. She landed on top of it and looked down at me. A painting of the Mortis Gods laid on one side of the rock. The Daughter stood on the left with The Son on the right. The Father stood in the middle. I looked back up to Morai. She tweeted a musical tune. The Daughter's hand pointed to the left. Morai kept singing. I placed my hand on The Daughter's hand and closed my eyes.

Wolves could be heard in the distance. I opened my eyes to see a painting of a pack of wolves moving. They ran over to a clear part of the boulder and started running in a circle. Morai flew down to my shoulder. "Are you sure?" I asked. Morai brushed against me and tweeted again. "Ok." I responded and reached out to touched the middle of the circle. My hand went right through. I closed my eyes and step into the portal.

I opened my eyes to see something I never thought existed. A place amongst the stars. Other portals were connected with what seemed to be a force bridge. I heard voices echoing around, "These are your first steps. Rise and take them. Do or do not. There is no try. We are keepers of the peace. Not soldiers. Use the force Luke. Axle, you are too much. That's what makes you an awesome kid." I recognized those voices. Master Kenobi, Master Yoda, Master Windu, and Master Skywalker. Many other voices could be heard too.

"LOOK AWAY!!!" A voice cried out. It was me. I ran towards the sound to a portal where the sound was coming from. The portal illuminated and showed a picture of the past. "AHSOKA!!!" I watched as the masked man pulled the trigger and my body went limp. I saw Ahsoka crying on the floor. I outstretched my hand to go through the portal, but Morai flew in front of me. "Why not? She needs to know that I'm alive!" I yelled. Morai circled me and flew off towards another portal. I gave one last look at Ahsoka holding my body, then ran off towards the owl.

Morai hovered in front of a picture showing a hot desert, "Tatooine? Why Tatooine?" Morai tweeted once again. I had no idea what she was saying, but I had little choice. I slowly stepped through the portal. I looked down at my clothes. They've changed into cheap leather clothes. Now that was confusing.

I walked the sandy streets through Mos eisley. The wind was light and the smell was weird. "Hey Steeler!" I heard someone yell. I turned around to see a Rodian walking up to me, "You owe me a lot of money, Steeler." I raised an eyebrow, "I think you've got the wrong guy." I turned away from him, but he grabbed my shoulder, "Stop it with your games Steeler. I expect full payment for what you did to my men." I looked at him, "Alright buddy, I don't know who you are, but you better back off." "That's it!" The Rodian yelled. He threw a punch at me, but I grabbed his hand punched him in the face. I outstretched my hand to force push him away, but nothing happened. I looked at my hand in confusion. Why can't I use the force?

The Rodian laughed, "What are you doing? You think you're some sort of Jedi?" He signaled to some other thugs to come and help him. I don't know what's going on, but I've got to beat these guys before I can ask any questions. The thugs were not what I was used to fighting. They were sloppy and weak. I dispatched them with ease.

They fell back to inside the building behind them. I noticed I had a blaster on my belt. I pulled it out and blasted the door locks. I couldn't sense a blaster bolt flew right past me. Whatever's going on with the force, It'd better fix itself. I ran in the building. There were weapons everywhere. It was some sort of armory.

I took cover behind some crates and blasted anyone I saw. There were fuel canisters near the far left corner. I aimed my blaster at the fuel and pulled the trigger. The explosion shook the ground. The wall burst apart. I looked up to see the Rodian slowly getting on his feet, "Back to Nal Hutta. The boss will know what to do with him."

I had to grab one of those thugs so they can tell me what's going on. I ran after them as fast as I could. The closest guy to me was still on the ground, but was almost on his knees. I tackled him to the ground. He groaned in pain as I spoke, "What the hell is going on?" "You should know kid. You owe the Cultist big time." The guard answered. I slammed his head against the ground, "Who's the Cultist?" He looked confused, "Did you lose brain cells? The Cultist is a secret Separatist operative. He hired us to keep an outpost on Nal Hutta, until you screwed up the place. And now you've destroyed our armory." "The Cultist. Does he command a huge Dreadnought?" I asked. The thug nodded, "Yes. What happened to your memory?" I got off of him. I hate it when the force does some mystical confusing stuff.

I walked outside to see Morai soaring down to my shoulder. "There's got to be something other than a blaster on this outfit." I whispered. I felt something in the jacket. There was an inside pocket next to the zipper. I pulled it out to find an ID card.

First Name: Steeler

Last Name: Unknown

Affiliation: The Hutt Clan/ Bounty Hunter guild