The Moon

As I stood there trying to be at peace with this mysterious moon that constantly tortures me. The night was still, and I could feel the wind cool against my warm skin. On a night like this I found my hopes in a dismal, I was a faded star falling from the gleaming night sky. Loneliness and disappointment led me into the forest as something was missing in my life, more like someone. I needed to leisure with my thoughts, escape in the world of nature, and its sounds of amazing creatures of the night. Some people will insight it was crazy for a young girl like myself to venture into the dark forest filled with so much unknown, but I had no fear. Deep down I knew that I possessed great power and the woods was the perfect place to seal my emotions. I did not wish the people I once called my friends to see me broken like this because they would not understand.

I was lost in thought staring at the moon and the ability it had over me when suddenly I sensed the presence of another. I immediately asked myself, “Could it be him?” The one who has been on my mind constantly from the moment I saw him appeared in Juneau. I started looking around my surroundings to be sure no one was there. As I was looking into the far distance, I saw a tall shadow of a man walking towards me. I felt so self-conscious as I stood under a large oak tree watching him stride towards me confidently. The illuminated red lunar glows upon his face as he nears closer to me. Here was a sight I had never seen before, as the brightness shines upon him so radiantly. When he was just two steps away, he stopped abruptly as if he was trying to suppress his desire to come any closer to me.

His face was glowing as I looked deeply into his cold dark eyes which were filled with mystery and longing all at once. He was so tall and handsome as hell with his face serious. I could feel an intense connection towards him which I could not control. At that moment all I had thought about was how much I wanted to smash my lips against his and instantly I felt a great longing emanating from my body and soul. I could not deny, I was hoping on seeing him again, but I did not expect it to be like this so unexpectedly. Now I realized I could not escape the moon nor the hot mysterious stud that stood still before me. My one desire was to feel his warm muscular body close to mine. Even though I thought he was stalking me, I wanted him to ease the pain. This was not the first occurrence I ran into this sexy stranger. I tried before but at that time I could not have gotten him to open about himself. How could he show up at my most vulnerable moment? Every time I felt like I was falling apart, he shows up.

Wrong timing is all I could think of, him being around me while the moon was at its peak presence beaming brightly upon us. He did not give me a chance to reflect on the past. Being close to him was causing me to have such feelings of conflict within myself. It was the cruel enchanting moon gleaming between us now. The book he had once given to me mentioned the purpose of the bewitching moon. It craved to be satisfied; it was no ordinary moon for special ones. The captivating moon has an ominous glow that illuminates the sky. If you are not strong enough to withstand this, it can make you go into a trance by its overwhelming power.

It was the stranger I desired to get familiar with and feel his emotions at this moment. I could not tell if the full moon was trying to bring us closer together or further apart. We were captured in the forest by its enchanting beauty. The winds howl as the giant trees blew above us. I knew he felt it when he pulled me close against a tree and pushed my body onto it.


I gasped at his actions as my body froze while he held onto my shoulders tightly. His body structure remained firm as he was silent as a lamb. He was quite different from the rest of the guys I knew. He spoke less as if he wished to keep his life hidden. He was a sealed mystery book waiting to be opened and explored. His strange eyes stared into my enthralling ones. The cold winds blew against our faces as we stood close together. It will only take one swift move from him for our lips to sealed a passionate kiss. I could not read his body language before but now I know he desired me. It appears that he dwells in the forest at times and knowing that he may have a wild side made me more aroused. Have you ever met someone for the first time and felt so mesmerized by their presence?

A few days ago, I was uncertain of my place in everyone’s lives that I knew. I had lost my best friend as she was going through a difficult phase in her life. We were now being told that our lives were more than it seems to be. Uncanny people had appeared in our lives that were once normal or so did it seemed to be. I did not know who to believed but the moment I saw him, it was easy to place my trust in him. He seemed fierce and sensual because he was not afraid of being in the middle of nowhere. I admired that he was fearless enough to roll by himself, he did not require back up. I was not sure if he was going to speak as we stood so close. My eyes lowered its gaze as I felt a strong attraction to him. I was falling for a stranger, a man who claims to be something more. I did not understand how it was possible to come to this reality unraveling before my eyes.

There were completely no words from him this time. Was he thinking if he should continue? It was all in my head, he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Why else will he pin me against a tree if he had doubts? He knew I was aroused, and he meant business from the moment I felt his body pressing tightly against mine. In one graceful movement, his lips were pressed against mine, kissing me roughly with an intense hunger for more. Our running into each other made me craved for him once more. I wished to know, taste, and feel him intimately. A part of me could not understand our connection. Even though I knew nothing about him, we were meant to find each other. I want to remain like this till the presence of the moon descends from the sky.

Passion could not have felt so good, it was the accurate time. If certain moons can make you feel awakened, then why cannot there be a way to satisfy those urges. It would be an unspeakable act if I did not have him. He was kissing me as he held tightly onto my hips. There was no shame as he strips off my chocolate jacket from my heated body. He felt the same way as I did, no words only action. Before I wished to know his name and where he lived but right now, I craved to strip him naked to see him in his full glory. He was becoming the intoxication of my night.