"Daddy I can't find my other shoe!"

Maverick's voice echoes through the house making Damian sigh in frustration as he rush out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel drying his hair. He slip on a pair of boxers then a white T shirt on before rushing out of the room to his son's room.

He found the child with half of his body under the bed as his search for his shoe when the said shoe was visibly sitting beside his dresser. Damian lets out another sigh as he lift the child out of the bed and throws him into the air causing an eruption of giggles from the puppy like child.

He caught the child back and sat him down on the bed. He took the shoe and gave it to the child who gasp adorably in shock and takes the shoe from his father.

"Thank you Daddy" Maverick placed a wet kiss on his father's cheek before jumping off the bed and continued dressing himself for the dinner.

When he was sure that Maverick was going to be fine by himself, Damian left the child's room and returned to his own room to start getting ready himself.

The red envelope they received the other day was an invitation for a post-holiday dinner from their neighbors, the Xu-Wen couple. Now Damian isn't really familiar with those people. He's one of those neighbors who had no idea what the couple looked like but it would be embarrassing and a bad impression if they didn't go to the said dinner.

So at 6pm, he had all his three boys get ready for the dinner. Luca finished getting ready first and helped his little siblings get ready as they wait for their father to finish getting ready himself. As expected, Diego was done dressed with no fuss and he now sat at the living room with his headphones on and Sudoku on his tablet.

Luca was helping Maverick getting ready when the child accidentally spilled lotion on his older brother's shirt making Luca go back to his own room to change his entire outfit because if he only changed the shirt then it would ruin the outfit because there are no other shirt in his closet that would go perfectly with his outfit. So changing the whole outfit was the best solution.

Since the dress code was casual, Damian opted for one of his comfortable clothing that he would usually wear at home but still looked decent enough for a dinner party. He chose to wear a Gucci Wool Sweater, faded blue jeans and topping his sweater with a Burberry Check Car Coat.

He finished the outfit with a grey cotton scarf and his favorite Burberry White Leather Sneakers. He slipped his glasses and wrist watch on before pocketing his keys, wallet and phone.

He left the room to check on Maverick but the child's room was empty. He proceeded next to the living room where he found all his three sons, all dressed and ready to go. He even noticed his eldest son's change of outfit.

From a Romantic Lauren Crown Black Shirt and Denim Jeans, Luca now wore a still black no print Lauren Crown shirt and distressed stretched denim jeans. He still has the same shoe and the only add ons on the outfit was his Leopard Cowsboy Brown Cap. Maverick wore a red button up polo shirt, dark blue jeans and a pair of black and white Nike high-tops. While little Diego looked absolutely adorable in his little blue polo shirt paired with khakis short and finishing off with a red Nike high top. All their hairs styled messily apart from Luca who’s hiding his recently dyed dark blue hair under his cap.

Damian's wife would've been happy to see her sons being such fashion icons.

By the time the family left their drive way, it was already 10 minutes before 7pm. Damian decided to drive all the way to the house because he knew that his two little sons will be tired after the dinner. It would be too tiring to manually carry the boys’ home, So Car it is.

Damian drove past his neighbor’s house and noticed that all the lights are off but the car was still on the driveway. He frowned in confusion and for a moment he felt worried that something might've happened but then he remembers that all his neighbors from his block are invited to the Xu-Wen dinner party.

That made him breath in relief as he continued driving and not even five minutes later they arrived at the Xu-Wen residence. The house looks even bigger up close and Damian slightly jumps in surprise when the big gate automatically opens.

Still amazed, Damian drove his car inside and found a parking spot at the massive driveway where a fountain stood at the very center.

Damian got out of the car to help his boys, he made sure first to put the boys' coats on before unbuckling their seatbelts. He did Maverick's seatbelt while Luca did Diego's.

Maverick giggled as his father lifts him out of the car and sets him down on the ground as Luca did the same with Diego but didn't set the child down and instead kept him on his hip with Diego's tiny arms wrapped securely around his neck.

Locking the car, Damian held Maverick's hand and they began walking to the mansion's front door where Maverick insisted that he do the knocking. Damian lets him to do it and the child knocked, more like banged, the door making his father cringe.

Seconds later the door swung open and they were greeted by a man whose smile was ever so gentle as he opens the door wider and let the family in.

"Welcome. I see you have kids too. You can leave them with the other kids in the playroom." The man lead Damian to a room where he saw a bunch of kids playing around. Some he recognized as his neighbors kids while some aren't.

Then at the corner of the room is a teenage boy with a chubby baby sitting in a stroller beside him.

The small teen looked bored beyond reason and Damian could already tell that he was forced to watch the children.

"That's my son, Ezra," the man points to the teenage boy that Damian was just staring at, "He's the one watching the kids. You can leave the boys here, they'll be safe and I'm sure they'll have fun. What do you say?"

Damian looks down at Maverick who already looks excited to play and Damian knew he didn't have to ask the child anymore because the answer was already obvious. So he turns to his other son, Diego, who was looking around the room until his eyes lit up with visible excitement. He politely asked his brother to set him down and when he was, he practically bolted and Damian just watched as his son tackled another little boy to ground.

Damian was about to go get his son but he stopped when he saw his son hugging the other little boy and the other little boy hugs Diego back. When they pulled away from the hug, Damian's eyes widen as he recognizes the other little boy and he watched once again as Diego pulled the little boy from the floor and pulled him to where Damian stood.

"Daddy look who I found! It's My Sebbie!" Diego smiled a bright smile as he slung an arm around Sebbie and hugs him sideways while Maverick stood by his father's side with a mean look on his face.

"Fat," Maverick commented suddenly as he stares at Sebbie while Damian could only stare at his son in shock.

But before Damian could open his mouth to lecture his son, Little Sebbie beats him to it.

"Ugly" Sebbie sneered back at Maverick, shocking Damian even more.

"Chubby Dwarf!" Maverick retaliated stomping his little feet on the ground.

"Bean pole!" Sebbie countered back.

By now Damian was speechless. He didn't know whether to be embarrassed of his son's misbehavior or be amused by the two little boys' bickering. He's currently leaning on the latter.

Luca was no longer beside him and he looks around the room, only to find his son sitting next to the other teenage boy, Ezra. And based on Ezra's facial expression, Damian could tell that his son was annoying the smaller boy to death which he finds rather cute. Because despite that annoyed look on Ezra had, he seemed like he’s enjoying Luca’s company and is just hiding it. That or Ezra is just relieved that he won’t the only one watching the kids now. Could be both.

Now back to Sebbie and Maverick, the two are still at it while Diego was a giggling mess between them.

"Fat Cheek!"

"Dog Face!"



"You stinky breathe!"

"You stinky face!"

The two little boys were almost at each other's face already and Damian was making no effort pulling them apart. Diego eventually stopped laughing and ran off to the play mat to play with a boy wearing a facemask who was building Legos. The boy more than happily let Diego play with him.

"Oh hey Josh–uhm what's going on here?"

Everyone's attention turns their attention to the person who just walked in, looking at Sebbie and Maverick in confusion before catching everyone's eyes on him. He blushed and avoids eye contact with anyone but unfortunately caught Damian's eyes on him and the two just stared at each other.

Damian felt his heart hammering through his chest again as he continues to stare at the angel like person that has never left his mind since he last saw him three days ago.

Damian admits that when he saw Sebbie, he already knew that the angel like man was going to be somewhere near and the chance of seeing him again was inevitable and that made Damian giddy all over. He has yet to settle his emotions but as days goes by, he slowly figures it out.

"Daddy!" Sebbie shrieks as he ran to the angel like man and hid behind his sexy legs, Damian felt his cheeks warmed up as he averts his gaze from the man's sexy legs.......legs........just legs.

"An Ugly Tree hurt me," Sebbie whined making Damian snap out of his thoughts and looked down at his own child who pouted up at him.

"The Fat dwarf started it Daddy," Maverick argued back.

"Nuh uh, the tree started it! He pinched my cheeks!" Sebbie pouted rubbing his cheeks that were indeed red, therefore justifying his words.

"I only pinched his cheeks because I thought they were cute," Maverick admitted, blushing dark red as he looks down on his mismatch sock. Damian didn't even notice him removing his shoes.

"I no Cute! I good-looking!" Sebbie glared with flushed cheeks and Damian couldn't help but snort because the child said the exact same thing to him days ago.

But the angel like man took the snort as something offensive and he glared at Damian who immediately stops smiling and held both of his hands up in a surrendering manner.

"What's so funny?" The angel-like man said and even though he was glaring, Damian still finds him beautiful.

"I'm Sorry, I didn't..........I wasn't.......I just........I thought.........I couldn't........Sorry—ah shit I already said that," Damian mentally cursed at himself for being a stuttering mess. His cheeks burned red as he scratch the back of his neck.

"Whatever. Just teach your son some manners." The Angel-like man rolled his eyes and left the room with Sebbie, leaving Damian dumbfounded.

"Ezzie please get Caiden and Samuel." the other man commands and Ezra only rolled his eyes and stood up, pushes the stroller and went to the little boy that was playing Legos with Diego.

The two little boys bid each other a goodbye and they left their Legos. Samuel left the room with Ezra still pushing the stroller as Diego walks back to where his father stood. Luca took Maverick by the hand and left the room, following closely behind Ezra.

Damian internally groaned as he couldn't get the Angel-like man's glare at him out of his mind. He felt embarrassed to face the said man again and he could only wonder what kind of impression his stupidity left on the man's mind. Hopefully not too bad.

The dinner had barely began but Damian just wishes for it to be over already.