Damian had his sons sit beside him. Luca and Maverick on his right while Diego sat on his left.

The dining hall was just as stunning as the foyer hall. There was a huge table spread across the center and huge chandelier and paintings to cover the ceiling and the walls. Damian found himself staring in awe at the rose quartz and serenity chandelier above him.

The Xu-Wen couple sat together at the head of the table. They were being good hosts entertaining their guests. Theodore chatted mostly with the women who had millions of questions about fashion and also because they were avid fans of the fashion designer. To prove that, some women even wore a piece from Theodore Xu's latest collection.

The Infin8 winter collection.

Justine chatted with the men about business. Flashing his dashing smile at every compliment he receives. The men looked very impressed at Justine for having been already successful in both business and life as such young age. Some men even proposed business partnerships to which Justine politely, not technically declined, but said that he and Theodore will think about it.

Damian averts his eyes from the couple to the only other person in the room that glowed so beautifully under the warm luminescence of the chandeliers. The blonde haired male who snapped at him earlier, the one who has little Sebbie sat on his lap as both of them coo at the baby sitting inside the stroller next to them while his eldest son, Damian assumes, is cuddled on the other man's lap. Josh is his name, Damian assumes that too.

Josh though has a frown on his face as he threads his delicate fingers softly through the child's head. If it were to Damian, Josh looks like he was having an internal debate with himself.

Someone clearing their throat made Damian look away from Josh and caught sight of the butler standing by a double door.

"Dinner is here." The butler announced and the double door behind him opens and about ten servants came out. They all carried rose gold trays with wonderful smelling foods on them.

As the foods are being served, Damian averted his attention back on his sons and chuckled as Maverick practically shoves a whole headless shrimp into his mouth, the sauce covering his cheeks and fingers. The other guests who saw the kid's action just chuckles and cooed at the child who continues to devour the shrimps and meat on his plate.

One of those people is none other than Theodore who stared at the child lovingly.

"So Mr. Wen, how long have you two been married?" Asked one of the guests. A young lady dressed in a pink summer dress and white cardigan.

Justine smiled at her as he placed his and Theodore's entwined hands on the table. Their rose gold diamond rings glows under the chandelier light. "Eight years. Eight long happy years spent with this wonderful Man."

A lovesick grin appears on Justine's lips as he leaned closer to Theodore and pressed a kiss on his temple, Theodore just smiled and leaned into his husband's touch.

The women cooed outloud while the men just smiled and gave their wives loving looks, some copied Justine's action and pressed a kiss on their wives temples to which their wives blushed at.

Damian though had a sad smile as he noticed that he is the only one among the men in the room who doesn't have a wife. Well him, the angel-like man and Josh. So instead, Damian affectionately ruffles Diego’s and Maverick's hair then doing the same to Luca who visibly froze and looked shocked with his father's action. His heart swelling with joy as he didn’t expect that type of affection from his father that moment. It almost made him tear up but instead kept a straight face and calmed himself down.

At the corner of his eyes, Damian could see the angel like man giving kisses to his own children starting from the baby in the stroller then to Sebbie but when it was his eldest turn, he visibly froze. Josh noticed it too and leaned over to whisper something on the angel-like man whose hand then flew to his mouth as he stared back at Josh with teary eyes.

Damian watched with confusion as the angel like man's hand then went to his eldest forehead then neck. His eyes growing wide and Damian could only watch as the angel like man excuse himself and Josh then the two of them, along with the kids, hurriedly left the table with Ezra pushing the stroller behind them.

Murmurs erupted in the room and Damian was still frozen in his seat. He noticed Justine and Theodore sharing looks before the latter stood up and followed where the angel-like man left to. Damian didn't know what he was doing as he excuse himself and left the table as well. His sons only whining in confusion.

He followed Theodore and he found him walking out of the front door and into the driveway where he saw the Angel-like man and his best friend pacing on the driveway. Both have panicked looks on their faces and Damian felt himself start to worry.

"Uhm what's going on? Is there something wrong?"

The angel-like man stops pacing and stared at Damian, the desperation and worry in his eyes was so strong it stab the brunette's heart and suddenly all he wants is to do everything he could to help the angel-like man.

"Do you have a car?" Josh asked, his face painted with worry. Damian wordlessly nodded his head and fished his car keys out of his pockets, he pressed a button and his car alarm was heard.

"Owen he has a car. Let him drive you and Samuel to the hospital." Josh said as he gave Damian a look that the latter just nodded to and left to get his car.

"A-Are you sure?" Owen was in the verge of tears. His son having a burning fever did that to him and with Samuel's health issues, said fever could actually harm him.

Josh nodded, guilt eating him inside out, but he knew it wasn't the time for that. Samuel needs the hospital as soon as possible.

"Yes Owen, Just Go. I won't be far behind. I just need to make sure the kids gets home safe then I'll go to the hospital. Please."

"But you didn't bring your car Josh, how will you bring the boys home?" By now Owen was a sobbing mess as he hugs his son closer to his chest. "Josh we need you at the hospital. You're the only one I trust with my son's life."

That was true. Josh is Samuel's lifesaver and like he said a few days ago, He will move heaven and earth for the boys. He will do everything in his power to keep the boys safe and.......healthy.

Josh opens his mouth to speak when Theodore spoke instead, reminding the two of his presence.

"The boys can stay here for a while, I and my husband can watch over them. Josh can borrow my car so he could follow you to the hospital." Theodore said and takes Josh's hand, he fished something out of his pocket and placed it on Josh's hands.

It was his car keys.

Before either could respond, the sound of car honking interrupts them as a car pulls over beside them. The window rolled down revealing Damian. Said man got out of the car and opened the backseat door. Owen gave his best friend a look before mouthing a thank you to Theodore and got on the car.

Damian closes the door and returned to the driver's seat. He honked twice and the gate automatically opens and the car drives away.

"It's the red one." Theodore suddenly said and Josh just stared at him until he realized what that meant.

"Thank you so much Mr. Xu. I owe you." Josh smiled and left to find the said car, Theodore following closely behind.

Josh found the red car parked near the gate, he pressed a button on the keychain and the car lit up as its alarm was heard.

"Please find my son and tell him that I will leave him in charge with the boys and that I'll call him to explain everything later." Josh said as he got on the driver's seat. He audibly gasp at how luxurious the car was and he knows never in his life will he be able to afford such car.

"It's the small grumpy teen right? Your son?" Theodore chuckled as Josh jumps in surprise when the car roars into life.

"Small grumpy teen. Yeah that's him alright."

"I will. Now go." Theodore shuts the door close and steps aside as the window rolled down and Josh peeks his head out.

"Thanks again!" Josh waved a hand and the window rolls up again. Theodore just watches as the car drives away and he could only hope that the child was going to be okay.

After just standing at the driveway for a couple of minutes, Theodore makes his way back to his mansion and met with the guests who are getting ready to leave. He saw his husband talking to some guests but it wasn't him who he needed to see. It was the boys he promised to watch for the night.

He wanders down the hall until he came upon the lounge room where he found two teens sitting at the L-shaped couch in the lounge room with three little kids playing on the carpeted floor while the baby now sleeps peacefully in the stroller.

"Hey, uhm, is any of you Josh's son?" Theodore asked as he carefully approached the boys. Upon hearing Josh's name, the short teen immediately perks up as the chubby cheek boy stood up and approached Theodore.

"Excuse me mistew, wer did Daddy go?" Sebbie asked with a pout. Theodore was confused for a moment because he had no idea who the child was referring to but then he realized the child must be asking for Owen.

Theodore now wonders how he will explain to a four year old that his father, left him and his baby brother in a mansion, In the care of two strangers, to bring his older brother, who's terribly sick, to the hospital. Theodore didn't want to scare the child or alarm the teens or worry anyone for that matter.

"Uhm sweetie, your daddy had to go somewhere for a while but he will be back soon, I promise. So for the meantime you and your brother will be staying here with me in the mansion. Okay sweetie?" Theodore spoke with so much gentleness and softness so as to not scare the child.

Sebastian was silent for a moment before he lets out a sigh and nodded his head then skips away to where the other kids sat on the carpeted floor, playing with Justine's plush toys.

For a grown man, Justine owns more plush toys than Theodore owns Gucci pieces. But latter man finds his husband's childishness adorable and wouldn’t want him to change in any way.

Theodore was surprised on how well the child took his words. The small teen however had a frown on his face and he doesn't look convinced at all.

"What happened to Samuel?" The short teen asks, Theodore has yet to know his name but he knows who Samuel was.

"And where is my dad?" The other teen asks, his already squinty eyes narrowing even more.

Theodore turns to the little kids and made sure they were out of earshot before giving the two teens their answers.

"Your dad is with Owen. They went to bring Samuel to the nearest hospital. Josh followed them with my car." As soon as Theodore said those, the two teens shared shocked looks and then the short teen's phone began ringing.

"It's Dad" the short teen said as he excuse himself and when was far from earshot, he answers the call.

Then the squinty eyed teen's phone began ringing, he politely excuses himself and answers the call. Theodore lets out a sigh and sat down on the couch. He glanced at the three little boys playing together, all unaware of what was happening and that saddens Theodore.

Just then Theodore hears a soft whine and immediately he could tell that it came from the stroller. He turns to the stroller and saw that the baby has woken up. Whining softly as his chubby little hands rubs his eyes and nose.

Theodore softly cooed as he gently lifts the baby and cradled him in his arms. The baby continues to whine and for a moment Theodore didn't know what to do but then he noticed an untouched baby bottle on the back pocket of the stroller. He takes it, shaking it lightly before nudging the bud against the baby's pouty lips.

To his relief, the baby opens his mouth and began sucking the milk, his chubby hands holding onto the bottle. One of his chubby hands laying on top of Theodore's hand.

Theodore felt his heart skip a beat and an unknown but warm and good feeling engulfs him as he watch the baby drink milk. He loves the feeling of having someone to take care of. Someone to love and cherish. Someone he could call his own, other than Justine of course.

He wants a child of his own but he and Justine haven't really talked about that and lately it’s something Theodore wants to be brought up in one of their conversations. He just wasn't sure how his husband would take it. Not to mention, their hectic work is going to be one of the risk factors. They were always drowning with work that they barely had time for their selves, let alone together. Sure they were used to the long distance, but their child-to-be won’t be.

"I could get use to a sight like that." Justine's deep chuckle snapped Theodore out of his thoughts, his cheeks flushing red as he saw his husband leaning against the doorway. Watching him with a soft smile.

"Hi" Theodore smiled adjusting the baby and the bottle as Justine walks into the lounge room and sat beside his husband, resting his chin on his husband's shoulder and softly cooed at the baby who was now wide awake and just stared at couple with his big curious eyes.

"He's so cute," Justine cooed and Theodore felt himself blush.

"Uhm, have the guests left?" Theodore asked as he tries to restrain himself from blushing any darker.

Justine hummed in response. "Yeah, I told them that we could have another dinner soon and I also apologized for whatever happened tonight."

"What did you tell them what happened?" The baby yawns adorably and pushed the baby bottle away with his chubby hand. Theodore placed the bottle on the coffee table as the baby nuzzles his head on his chest.

"I want to have kids of our own." Justine answered and it wasn't the one Theodore was expecting to hear. He felt himself froze for a moment and Justine immediately took his silence the wrong way.

"I-I mean if....if t-that's what you also want but if n-not then its fine by me. M-Maybe it's still early to a-ask t-that and I-I don't k-know if I-I scared you by asking that and—" Justine's rambling was cut off by a soft pair of his lips pressed against his.

Justine smiled into the kiss and was about to deepen it when his husband pulls away making him pout. Theodore just chuckles and gave his Justine a soft peck on the lips before turning his attention back to the now sleeping baby in his arms.

"I want to have kids with you too," Theodore said after a few moments of silence and he felt Justine froze for a second and before he knows it, a pair of muscly arms wraps itself around his waist and pulled him closer to his husband's chest.

Justine was beyond happy with what his husband had said as he pressed a soft kiss on the man's head and hugs him closer, being careful with the sleeping baby.

"Thank you Theo."

"You're very welcome Just."