Axel POV
Momo told me to meet her at her favorite restaurant. It's time for me to confess to Momo today. I met her in the summer. She's on her vacation at that time and eats at our restaurant. I know it was love at first sight. I am the first one to arrive, so I went and chose to sit near the window. I made sure that I smell nice today, and I wore my favorite outfit. After a few minutes, Momo arrived.
"Liam, sorry I'm late!" Momo said. My full name is Axel Liam Rias. Momo is the only one who calls me Liam.
"It's okay Momo," I replied while smiling.
"So, let's eat?" she asked.
"Uhh Momo, I have something to tell you." I started.
"Umm save those words for later. We'll go somewhere after here. It's my treat this time."
"Okay then," I replied to her. At least we'll have a lot of time to be with each other.
We had fun eating lunch. It was always fun to be with her. She's foolish but not the one who's irritatingly stupid but the cute one. Hahaha! After we had lunch, Momo took me to the place she said she'll treat me. Surprisingly, we went to the beach. Wow! This will be a romantic place to confess.
We sat in the sand. It's 5:00 pm now. I guess I'll confess when the sun sets so that it will be more romantic.
"I know," Momo said while looking at the waves of the ocean.
Huh? How does she know? What? What does it mean?
She looked at me and said, "I know you love me, Liam. I know what you feel. I am thankful because you are always there for me and understand my stupidest personality. I am thankful for that. But, I am sorry. I can't accept your love. I'm sorry, but I can't love you back the way you wanted to be. I love you. You know that. But I love you as a friend, not as lovers."
"So you brought me here to reject me? Hahaha," I asked jokingly. But deep inside, it hurts. Why?
She smiles, "It's not like that."
"Why Momo? Why can't you love me?" I am confused.
"I... I don't know. I just.. I'm not yet ready. Sky is still my priority."
"Sky? Who's Sky? Is he the reason why you can't love me? Is he your boyfriend or ex that you still love?" I ask continuously.
"My cousin." She replied shortly. Short but impactful, I am still confused. What's with her cousin? What's the reason for her to reject me in the first place?
I look at her. I see it in her eyes. It looks sad.
"What happened to him/her? How old is he/she? How come he/she becomes your priority?"
"Sky is just a month younger than me. After the incident, she isolates herself from the world. From us. Recently, she opens a bit to us which is an improvement. But still, I miss her gummy teeth whenever she smiles, her eye-smile when she laughs. You know she has a sweet laugh that makes everybody becomes addicted when you hear it. I miss those days where she hangs out and laughs with us." I can see that she misses her. So that Sky is a girl.
"Is she the reason why can't I have you?" I ask surely.
She looks at me with sad eyes. "I'm really sorry Liam. Half of the reason is her and half is that I admit, I still love my ex. After our break up, I did not know what to do. I am used to his presence when I'm sad or happy or any rollercoaster emotion that I felt. I still love him. But the moment he left me, those bright days become dim. It looks like I am waiting for a rainbow after the rain but it never stops and neither am I. I keep crying together with the rain thinking it'll wash up away the pain." Tears are flowing in her eyes.
"I can do better than him. Let me have you and I'll make you feel you are worth having. Let me heal you." I said desperately.
"Let me face the pain alone. I want to be hurt alone rather than facing it with you knowing that it will hurt you too. I don't need another person to heal my pain. The one who can heal it is the one who broke it. Let me heal myself in my way." She said.
It hurts. I wanted to cry. Really. But I should put an act that everything is alright.
" I understand." I smile.
"Do me a favor please." Her voice is asking desperately.
Favor? Hmm, after hurting me you want to ask something from me?
I talk to my mind.
"What favor?" I ask. Of course, I still can't resist her.
"Forget about me. Please. Forget that you met someone named Momo in the summer. Forget that you fell in love with her. I know it's hard. I understand. But do your best to forget about me." She smiled. A smile that looks 'I'm sorry, be happy'. This is over I guess?
"Why?" I asked.
"I'll be leaving. For good. This is the last day we'll meet Liam. I want to have time with myself. After that break-up, I can't find myself again. I'll be going back to Japan. After he died, I am the one who'll take over the business." Momo said
"Sky's brother." She stands up.
"Ow before I forgot. Sky was enrolled in the school you are in. Please take good care of her. I hope you can see her smile as we do. You'll fall for her. Trust me. Hahaha! pretty genes are running in our blood, don't you know that?" She winks and laughs. Silly girl sigh.
I am happy that she laughs but sad and hurt at the same time.
*end of flashback*
Hmm, what does Sky looks like when she's happy? I am curious. I hope Heaven can do it. I'm sorry Momo. I can't be the one who'll make her happy. I'm still into you. So I gave it to Heaven. It'll be her mission from now on. Hahaha!
I still miss you Momo. Even though you can't love me the way I love you, I will always treasure my feelings for you. Always.