Chapter 18

Heaven's POV

I am heading to USG's office. I hope it went well.

I knock at their door and I hear someone shouts from the inside.

"come in" the person said. "why are you here? need help?" she asks.

"uhh I want to give you this." I handed her a box of strawberry cupcake.

"ohh. What is this for?" she looks at the box.

"uhmm eat it. I made it earlier. Uhh.. mina keep saying that you're too busy so most of the times you skip breakfast. So yeah.. hehe" I said awkwardly.

She smiles at me. "thank you Heaven. How sweet of you, Come eat with me." Jessica invited.

I smile at her, the smile that showing my dimples. I sit down beside her but I did not eat with her.

"Why are you not eating it?"

"It's yours. Don't mind me, I ate my breakfast already."

"thank you. Btw, won't you start your date today?"

"maybe later hehe."

The door opened, Naomi came in.

"Good morning noona" I smiled at her.

"oh, hey. What are you doing here?" Naomi looking at me confusedly.