Chapter 23

Naomi's Pov

"Did Momo calls you?" I ask Stacy. Momo is Stacy’s sister who is staying in Japan because of their family business. But she is enrolled in our University and taking Online class.

"Not yet. We shouldn't let Mina know about this." Stacy answered.

"I know. Did Momo know when is the time she'll call? I am worried that Mina will find it out." I said.

Stacy and I are both in the airport. After we send Jennie off, we received a call from Japan. It was their grandpa.

"Anyway, Is Mina still working on the videogame?" I asks.

"Yeah. She believes that the answer might be there." Stacy said.

"Right. Mina will be alright as long as we're here at her back, right?" I ask. I’m worried. Mina took her time seeking that Videogame. I wonder if Heaven is helping her.

"I hope so," Stacy looks worried too.

Right. Mina will be alright. We got her back.

"Hello." Sana answered her phone. It must be Momo.