What Do I Have to Lose?

Jacqui's POV

Dark and cold. Hungry and homeless. Despair and destruction. That's how many mortals imagined the Underworld. I love watching their expressions as they pass to my Judgement Seat.

Jaw dropping astonishment as they walk through my torch lit caves; illuminating beautiful underground waterfalls and lush green moss many mistake for grass. White camellias and carnations adorned the path until the tunnels end. The path continued out of the cave and into a beautiful forest.

Through the forest, it travels over a rock bridge across the river, and opens out into green rolling hills. The hills then get steeper and steeper until the path is laid through a mountain pass.

Within the pass comes my first gate. Carved from the same stone as the mountains, it hides until you are right up next to it. Tall and proud it stops all traffic entering and my stone golems check the souls for anything suspicious.

"Suspicious" as in darkened soul tone, living body, brightened countenance, animal tattoo, etcetera etcetera.

Darkened soul tones were sent to the mountain caves to wait for inspection as they could be poisoned or dangerous. Living bodies were sent to a separate area to await my arrival where I choose whether or not to let them pass. That's never happened before but I thought it best to be safe rather than sorry. If a soul has a brightened countenance that soul is sent to the Overseer who decides whether or not to make that soul a Guardian of Comwen or not. And if a soul bears an animal tattoo they are immediately sent to Comwen as a Guardian.

For the rest of the souls, they are simply allowed to go on through the gate. Once you pass the mountains you are greeted with a seeming less endless desert. The faces of the souls turn from jaw dropping amazement to jaw dropping terror. They forget they are dead and no longer need water or food to survive. I find it funny.

I whistled and a sand worm erupted from the depths spraying sand everywhere. I laughed as it nuzzled down to my level and slobbered over half of the traveling souls causing them to scream.

"Enough, Chachi." I giggled and hugged my oversized friendly worm. Chachi laid his head down and I climbed up his back. "To my Oasis, friend." Puffing up his chest like a prideful boy he dashed into the ground.

I smiled as the sand around us was eaten by Chachi's gigantic maw. Traveling by sand worm was the quickest way through the desert. The rush of wind from the speed messed up my hair but I didn't care. This was one fun thing I could do in between my duties.

To soon we were thrusting upwards and Chachi playfully threw me off into a large pond resting on the middle of my own personal paradise. Large prawn trees covered the area for a few yards giving sufficient shade. The coconut and banana trees were beautifully spotted here and there.

Oh, but the water was delightful. Cool enough to be refreshing but warm enough to relax. So many Colorful flowers sat atop lily pads that one would think it was a field rather than a pond. Until they splashed into it of course.

Attempting to suppress my mirth, I turned to scold my friend. "How many times do I have to tell you NOT to do that?" I wagged a finger at him and Chachi lifted his tail and stuck it into the ground. Using his tail he began to lift himself up. "Oh no. Nonononono!" I tried to run but it was to late. Chachi smashed his entire mass into the pond causing a tsunami to flood the area. I was swept away to the other end of the pond and when I got up to give him a real scolding he had disappeared.

Sighing, I took my heavy dress off and left my tank top and mini shorts i wore underneath everything, I relaxed into a shady part of the pool. Breathing in deeply I let my mind wander.

Usually when I let my mind wander, I think of my brothers and sisters and if they are ever as tired as I am and if they really enjoy what they are and what they do. But today? Today my mind turned straight to my student, my hope.

Skye Firebird was an interesting one all right. Being blessed by Nikolai of course he was a quick learner and cleverer than most mortals. However, he had a tendency to fight everything, good or bad. All he does is fight. He knows nothing else. Believes nothing else. Well, that's not entirely true.

I closed my eyes and looked at the souls close to him. The ones he had seen to lull him into a sweet painless death. An old woman with two young girls at her side were chatting in the Fields as they leisurely walked without a care in the world. I looked again and saw his friend he had to kill with his own sword in order to live. Another was an older man with bright yet serious eyes. He was practicing swordplay by himself in one of the many caves of the mountains. How odd. I let him through. Curiously, I got out of the pond and appeared in the cave beside him. So focused was he on his training that he did not notice me. I took that time to watch him.

Something about the way he held himself and practiced his skills reminded me of my pupil. After a few minutes I broke my silence.

"What are you doing?"

The spirit pivoted and had his sword at my throat before I decided to say more. Once he realized who he was pointing his weapon at he quickly sheathed it and bowed.

"My apologies, Lady."

"Accepted." I wasn't mad at him in the slightest. "My question stands though."

"My gratitude, Lady Jacqueline." He smiled a small smile at me before answering. "I am training for the battles ahead."

"Sir, you have been given a peaceful afterlife. There are no battles ahead for you."

"Excuse my saying so, but you are wrong."

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows at him. One, in surprise and shock and two in curiosity. There aren't a lot of mortals or souls who talk back to us gods and goddesses.

"I have seen souls taken M'lady. Taken and used against their families, friends, homes." He looked at me seriously. "I will not be used like that. I will not be taken."

My throat began to ache and I felt water gather in my eyes. So long had this war been going on; so long had this unseen enemy used my powers that my people, my souls, no longer felt safe in my realm. Suddenly my tears disappeared and a new emotion overtook my senses. This was my realm. No one will take it from me. I will keep my people safe. They will feel at peace again. I had no time to lose. Skye was our only hope. Without another word, I traveled to Comwen.

When I arrived at my pupils side he was fighting a few orcs at once. He was pretty good with a blade, but he didn't notice the arrow aimed for his head a few miles off. Angry, I took the orcs souls from their still living bodies and every other enemy of Skye's and sent them straight to my mountain caves to be judged.

Skye turned and when he saw me he had the cool head to ask, "And what are you doing here? I thought you weren't allowed to help Comwen in any way."

My anger was still not satisfied. "I don't give a damn what I'm allowed to do. You are still weak! You will train with the gods every night and day."

"I am already doing that." He said as he put his sword away. I rushed at him and took my Reaper out. Gratefully his reflexes were faster than him. He blocked my would-be fatal blow and stared hard at me.

"What, in your name, are you doing?"

I pushed against him and jumped backwards landing on my feet nimbly. I didn't bother with a response as I had already told him what I was doing. I ran straight at him again, faster this time, but changed direction at the last minute. Surprisingly he blocked his left flank just as I was about to wound him again. My scythe glowed red in accordance with my emotions. I pushed against him again but he held firm. I inched to my right and let my scythe glide down his blade. Sparks flew. Our eyes never left each other's.

I sprang backwards and jumped again high above his head. Swinging my weapon down he dodged out of the way. Debris rained down after I landed momentarily blinding him. I took the opportunity to swing at him again. He must have seen the glint through the dirt as he once again blocked. I switched my Reaper to a dagger type and pushed Skye's sword upwards while I slid my leg underneath him. He fell and I jumped on top slashing at his throat. His left hand came up and his arm guard deflected the blow.

I knelt on his sword arm and added weight both to my knee and my dagger. His face contorted in pain and I watched as a bead of sweat trickled down his temple. Is this all I can do against a mortal without using my powers? I snarled at the thought and grabbed his sword arm until I felt his bones begin to crush. He cried out in agony before pushing me off with his left arm. I landed a few feet away, but it was enough time for him to start on the offensive. He had flying daggers in his left hand and sword in his right. He ran to my left and threw several of the daggers at me. Instead of blocking them with my weapon, like I knew he wanted, I sidestepped until his sword reached my face. I blocked his main attack and switched from dagger to sword.

The length of my rapier caught him off guard and I cut his cheek. He swung at me again and I parried. Blow after blow came at me but I held myself well enough. I had to admit though, he was stronger than me. I often had to back out of a full blown straight attack and curve to get close. He was always ready for me though and the longer we fought the better he was at dodging and attacking.

I figured it was time to spice things up. Jumping a few yards away I stood still, watching him. He was breathing heavily and his sweat glistened in the darkening sunset. Something inside pulled at me and I curiously let the feeling stop me in my tracks. His eyes were hard and bright as they glared at me. He is looking only at you. The thought ran through my head and an unfamiliar feeling made me smile. Instantly I remembered that soul who was fighting for his peace. A peace he should already have been granted. The smile fled as quickly as it came.

"Time to spice things up." I summoned twelve banshees to my side. They encircled Skye slowly and floated about twenty feet away from him. The crowd who had circled around to watch the fight began to unsheathe their swords. I raised a fist, but before I could, Skye's baritone voice filled the air.

"Stop." The men hesitated before listening to their Captain's order. "This fight is mine." They backed away. I was impressed. So he is learning from Nikolai after all. On my command the banshees opened their mouths and let out an earth shattering scream. Blood poured from Skye's ears as he attempted to plug them with pieces of torn cloth. I sprang at him from the right. He barely dodged out of the way. One of his ear pieces was in and the other was falling out.

He was certainly deaf in that ear by now. I sidestepped to his right and feinted as he drew to block I quickly slashed his left side. I didn't scream as I felt his sword pierce my immortal flesh. I had left myself unguarded and he took a hit just to hit me. Stupid man!

"How will you keep fighting if you allow yourself to be killed just to defeat a difficult foe?" I lunged at him again and he blocked. On my command the banshees screamed again. His grip loosened the tiniest bit and I swung my Reaper again. He blocked once more then pushed me off. I stumbled backwards a bit and he tried to kick my side. I grabbed a hold of his leg and smirked as I immediately crushed his bones. I wasn't to sure but I think I heard him scream. He dropped to his knees and I raised a fist. The banshees disappeared.

"I am waiting for an answer, Skye Firebird."

His glare sent an unfamiliar sensation down my spine. I hoped he didn't notice. I walked up to my wounded pupil casually and set my rapier at his throat.

"How will you keep fighting if you allow yourself to die in order to beat a difficult foe?"

Blood mingled with his sweat and the hard lines of his face seemed more defined that way. His chest heaved as he inhaled deeply. He had the pride not to gasp for air though I was sure his body was begging him to. He didn't answer and so I cut his neck. Only to sting him. Not to kill him. He grimaced.

"To fight is to risk your life, My Lady." He spat. He did have a point.

"But if you die, so does all our hope!" For Comwen and the Underworld.

"Your hope is gone if I don't fight." He remarked. Once again this was true.

My anger flared. If he fights and then does something reckless to win and then dies, my entire world will fall. I forced his head to look at my wound. Then I knelt beside him.

"You do something so reckless again that gets you killed, I will destroy you and your family's souls. Every one you ever cared about will be as nothing."

Not true. Well, maybe a little. If he dies before killing the cause of this Timeless War, his soul and everyone else's will be as nothing. Just not from my hand. His blue eyes darkened and I knew he bought it. My heart swelled in another unusual feeling that made me want to explain further, but I stopped myself. His sword was running through my heart before I had the chance to say anything else. For some reason, I wanted to cry. The shock dried the tears as quickly as they had appeared.

I stepped away from Skye and gave him back all that I had taken in our scuffle. A healthy, unwounded body.

"Your recklessness will get you killed. Be smarter." Nikolai's voice rang out from behind the circle of disbelieving soldiers. I wasn't sure if they were in shock because I had summoned banshees like nobody's business or if it was because my blood was an unearthly turquoise and black. Or maybe it was the fact that they had seen their leader stab me through the heart and I wasn't dead. Could have been anything at this point.

"What happened here?!" Jasper appeared beside me and instantly healed my wounds. He turned to Skye and saw he had no wounds, but Nikolai was standing near him.

"An impromptu lesson." Was his automatic response.

"And it caused Skye to stab my baby sister in the heart?"

"Don't call me that!" I snapped at Jasper. "And I attacked first!" I don't know why I was defending Skye the way I was, but Jasper had it wrong. He just did.

"Whoa, someone's grumpy." Jasper mockingly took a few steps back and waved his hands in front of him. "Please don't hurt me, Great Goddess! I worship only the ground you walk upon."

"Shut up!"

"Jacqui! Language!"


"Is someone having a temper tantrum?" The glare I shot Jasper stopped him dead in his tracks. "Alrighty, then Nik. I think you have this one under control. I'll be off." And he vanished into the earth. I huffed and blew a stray hair out of my face. Nikolai stood between me and my chosen.

"Let's go somewhere more private shall we?" He suggested as he grabbed both mine and Skye's arms. Before we could say another word we were falling flat on our backs into some plush maroon pillows. There was a small coffee table with a lit candle and a small bowl of fruit. Crackers and cheese filled a platter beside it. Nik sat across from my pupil and I.

I knew exactly where we were. Nikolai's living quarters. I visited often enough, but usually by myself. It felt strange having someone else there. Especially having that person sit beside me. My body tensed as Skye leaned forward.

"So where are we and what are we doing here?"

"My living quarters. I sleep in the room adjacent to this one." Nik pointed to a room on the right. "And we are here because Jacqueline made a mistake which Father will hear about later."

"You mean about her single handedly saving that town."

"As well as fighting you in public."

"Well, now my friends won't think I'm crazy." Skye laughed.

"And now the enemy knows that we support you."

Fear shot through my spine and my palms began to shake. I hadn't thought about that! He wasn't ready! He wasn't ready!

"You will be hunted the moment you step back onto Comwen soil."

"So keep my eyes open?" Skye snarkily remarked with an eye roll. He was already doing that.

"No. You won't return to Comwen until your training is complete."

Skye's entire countenance darkened leaving no room for light. I felt the thrum of power within his soul reach outward as he narrowed his eyes at me. The depths of his rage knew no end.

What have I done?