Chapter 9
On this Planet, many of the 'Sadhus', 'Maharshis' and 'Rushis' started praying THE SUN to consider their pathetic plight in King Kong Raj Rule. After performing big Yagas, Yagnas and Homas, (Fire Prayers) by all these Rushis, The SUN blessed Rushis and gave an assurance that this Planet in course of time will become a "Maharshi's Planet". Also, The SUN has given few powers to the Maharshi's and Rushis for their future utility. Also, The SUN advised to support Vishal, the Warrior in getting King Kong Raj and his bad elements to get defeated. All good causes to be done from this Planet for the good existence of this Universe. The SUN gave this blessing directly to all the Maharshi's and Rushis at the "Yagnas and Homa" place and disappeared. All Maharshi's and Rushis were happy and were more concentrating on their orthodox working systems. Regularly, "Yagnas and Homas" were performed at this Planet, where The SUN was providing undisturbed coverage shelter at the place of "YAGNA".
The name of one Maharshi Head is ADITYA MAHARSHI. This ADIYA MAHARSHI had a pact with Vishal, the Warrior.
ADITYA MAHARSHI Team had a lengthy discussion with the Warrior Vishal on the future programs and plans about performing "Yagnas and Homas" at the Planet.
Vishal was also informed of the assurance and blessing of The SUN, that the Planet would become "Maharshi Planet in due Course of years. For this Vishal's d his core team was happy. Vishal assured ADITYA MAHARSHI'S Team to provide all security support and help to ADITYA Maharshi in performing the Yagnas and Homas regularly to please the SUN.
From then onwards ADITYA MAHARSHI and other Sadhus and Saints started performing "Surya YAGNA and Surya Homa" at the Planet. These "Yagas and Homas" became a regular feature at the Planet.
Vishal, the Warrior, also was informed by ADITYA MAHARSHI'S AND RUSHIS that they were willing to give few of supernatural powers for eliminating King Kong Raj and his Team. For this, Vishal and core team soldiers were happy and agreed.
One another occasion, the evil king, King Kong Raj performs" MAHA RISHI Yagna" to gain more sympathetic powers and blessings from "Maharshis", Sadhu Saints. This Yagna, King Kong Raj believes that he be not cursed by MahaRushis for his evil acts. This Yagna is for one day, performed to please and satisfy all Sadhu Saints and Maharshis. All invitees for this Yagna are treated well with all sorts of gifts, garments, and at the end a good food, as per liking of Sadhu Saints and Maharshis. The evil King, King Kong Raj sometimes feels happy and soft cornered but f it his good things done in his previous life.
King Kong Raj's wife Ms. KINNERA, a very beautiful lady, always has soft corner to all people, prays and worships SUN and other deities, as she is an orthodox, wishes for the well-being of all. Ms. KINNERA, the wife of King Kong Raj, always supportive, dynamic and dashing and looks-after the Planets Gardens and Monuments maintenance. Ms. KINNERA also likes the WARRIOR Vishal because of his good activities in safeguarding the evil elements. But though Ms. KINNERA is soft cornered, she is helpless in extending any service help to anybody because of King Kong Raj evil elements. She is afraid of King Kong Raj behavioral attitudes. Moreover, King Kong Raj never allows antibody to interfere in his rule of law at the Planner. Ms. Kinnera actively participates in "SUN YAGNA" and "MAHA RUSHI YAGNA" and other service oriented events that too as per the willingness and permission of King Kong Raj.
One fine day, as well-planned Vishal and all his soldiers and followers, with vast weapons and swords, made a ferocious war on King Kong Raj and eliminate and kill this evil element man King Kong Raj. Luckily, Vishal was not having much of a resistance from his opponents King Kong Raj. At the last, King Kong Raj was killed brutally, by Vishal and his soldiers.
Immediately, after the death of King Kong Raj, the "Bang" thing also lost all super natural powers and collapsed and died.
The victory sign came to the great Hero Vishal at 'King Kong Raj'.
But however, Vishal also severely wounded and injured and was in serious condition. At last, Vishal died, after getting the blessings from Heavens Angels that Vishal shall take a Rebirth to help and support all health related issues when he takes a Rebirth at the Earth Planet.