Chapter 12
After one month – What happened?
On one good day, Scientist Shyam telephoned and wished Doctor Vishal and told that it was a happy moment, he could invent a new formula medicine that the 'dead man' can 'become alive' for one hour. Doctor Vishal expressed happiness. Invited Scientist to come over to his place for making a practical live experiment on one dead
Doctor Vishal
Informed Scientist that he will be informed in due course about this program. Doctor and Scientist discussed other things of life in general and exchanged the pleasantries.
Doctor Vishal
On next day telephoned Scientist Shyam and asked him to bring the formula medicine to his hospital. Scientist agreed to this and by lunch time, Scientist was present at Doctor's hospital.
Both went to a grave yard nearby and waited for a 'dead body'. After some time one 'dead body' was brought by few people. Doctor and Scientist both went near to the dead body. Both thought, in a very low voice that we will inject the medicine to this dead body. They came to one conclusion to move ahead in the matter. Then, Doctor and Scientist spoke to the relatives and friends who brought the 'dead body', about the importance of this formula medicine and were prepared to inject this medicine to the 'dead person'. Also Doctor and Scientist sought the permission of 'dead person' relatives for this.
Relatives of the 'dead person' gave permission for this and asked both Doctor and Scientist to go-ahead with the medicine injecting experiment. Relatives thought that in case this 'dead person' becomes alive for some time, then they can speak to the 'alive person' about all important secrets pertaining to the properties.
Doctor Vishal
Okay and prepared the medicine ready as per the dosage prescribed by the Scientist. The medicine was injected to the 'dead body' at the grave yard, in the presence of 'dead person' relatives and friends. After few seconds, the 'dead body' started some moving indications. The 'dead person' started his legs move slowly. After some time, arms and fingers started moving slowly. Next the 'dead person' slowly opened his eyes and started seeing the persons around him. After few minutes, the 'dead person' started moving his lips and wanted to speak in a very slow voice. The 'dead person' was able to hear, a little bit about what people were talking around him. The dead person started speaking slowly. This man woke-up, sat-up and asked people who surrounded him 'where I am?', 'what is happening here', 'why people are here', what is going on here'. All the relatives and friends, Doctor and Scientist were happy about this medicine power.
Doctor Vishal
Told to people that this medicine power will last for one hour only, as such, this person will again die back after one hour. Whatever the 'alive person' speaks, please listen carefully. This is a good opportunity for you at this moment.
The 'alive person' told few things to his family members and financial aspects and property documents secrets etc. All the relatives carefully listened all the words of this 'alive man'.
After one hour.
This 'alive man' has again became dead, as the medicine power was not working further on the 'dead body'.
Now, all the relatives and friends, though to some extent happy, there were sorrowful scenes at the grave yard. The cremation formalities as per customs completed by the relatives.
The Soul of the 'dead person' followed Doctor Vishal, thinking that, Doctor Vishal can make the Soul go back to the dead body. But, the 'dead body' was cremated. The Soul went along with Dr. Vishal up to his hospital. After Doctor Vishal leaving for home, then the Soul came back to the graveyard in search of 'dead body' which belonged to the Soul. By the time Soul reached the graveyard, nobody was seen. There was no alternative for the Soul except to stay at the one old dilapidated booth bungalow, adjacent to the graveyard. At the graveyard, all incredible sounds, dogs weeping at nights, no lights were seen, everything was dark.
Soul Follows Doctor
The Soul started following Doctor Vishal and Scientist Shyam in day time. This thing both of them could identify that a spirit like thing is following and that both were psychologically disturbed. The reasons were not known and both were unable to express anything to anybody. This routine movement of Soul has become regular each day.
Scientist Shyam
Gained confidence on his experiment. His research became successful. Scientist thought that he can develop this medicinal power to stay a little longer time than one hour. Scientist Shyam thought that he can prepare the formula medicine, so that 'dead man' can become 'alive' for about 2-3 hours. Scientist confidence level increased.
Scientist Shyam
Took leave from Doctor Vishal and expressed happiness on the successful research of this medicine formula. Both were in touch over telephone frequently about the developments.
Two months later, things went viral in Social media.
The news of Doctor Vishal and Scientist Shyam's experiments on 'dead people' went viral and in Atmakur Village rumors spread like wildfire that Doctor can make 'dead people' alive for couple of hours. People were under the impression that Doctor Vishal had some special medicine made through a research invention, which can make dead to alive for an hour or two. The topic in each and every household speaks the same. Every family gossip and chit-chat the same news. This news spread to neighbouring villages. Also, all newspapers, TV channels covered this special news.
Doctor Vishal and Scientist Shyam were able to make the 'dead to alive' up to 2-3 hours through this newly invented medicine. Through this medicine injection, a dead man is able to become 'alive' back from dead position and was able to speak to relatives and inner family members Doctor Vishal and Scientist Shyam were very happy for this progress about the new medicine.
Through these experiments, Souls of dead people covered the Doctor and Scientist with a view that the Souls can get back in to dead body. Souls started troubling Doctor Vishal and Scientist Shyam. Also Souls started creating problems to both Doctor and Scientist. Around six Souls got together and making nuisance to Doctor and Scientist with all sorts of shouts, incredible sounds. Day time these Souls' used to stay at the old dilapidated bungalow and at night following the Doctor and Scientist and creating an uneasy atmosphere. This has become a routine for few days.
Doctor Vishal's Childhood Incident: A Mind Block
Vishal was staying with his family members at Atmakur Village, near a grave yard. He was 13 years old then. The graveyard was not having any compound wall. No street lights were seen, no security was available for the graveyard and no staff. This graveyard connects to two streets. People and residents used to travel through middle of this graveyard, for any work. After 6 PM, the entire place becomes calm and quiet. All streets were empty look. People never used to come outside their houses. Everywhere darkness. People were afraid to move in the streets after evening. People were under the impression that ghosts, devils and Satan's move around this graveyard and in streets. These bad element things had an impact in the minds of Atmakur Village people. People had a psychological feel and fear too. People were not dare enough to move through this graveyard. People were very much afraid of these evil elements.
In those days, there were not much of population. Only few people used to move in the village streets. There was no alternative to people except to stay in these streets at Atmakur village. Few people were bound to stay with families. People were living for the sake of life. Life was moving on an uneasy environment. No other go, except to live at these streets.
Vishal was studying 8th class then. Only very few friends to Vishal. Those friends were residing at other street. Only one or two scooters were seen plying. There were no car movement. Only cycle-rickshaws, but countable on fingers. All lanes and by-lanes were very small. All the places looked to be calm, quiet and silent. All the places and streets were mostly seen as open lands with dirt and drainage water. Everywhere dog and pigs menace were seen. Only shops were seen here and there. No business was seen in these streets. People were unable to pass through these open lands. Most people where Vishal family used to stay, had left for other places and villages. People of Atmakur village used to feel that it was better to settle down at other villages to avoid fear gripped life.
During holidays, Vishal and friends used to play cricket in this graveyard. Even few children used to make kite flying from this graveyard during festivals. For going to other streets, one had to pass through this graveyard only by walk.
On one day, Vishal was asked by his mother to do a certain work as Vishal had to go to other street. The time was 8 PM then. For Vishal, it had become inevitable to carry out the assignment given by his mother. Vishal, being 13 years old, was unable to know 'what the fear was'.
Vishal said, mummy, 'I am going to other street through this graveyard. I will come back soon'. Mother told, okay Vishal, go, but don't go here and there, come back soon. Vishal started moving out from his house and made a full stretched walk through the graveyard to reach the other street. Vishal was alone and nobody accompanied him because of night and darkness.
Vishal while walking through the graveyard had confronted an experience. One spirit like thing, milk white in colour, with a saree or can say a 'ghost' like shape, with legs visibility not seen, a fishy type shape, moving here and there, and around Vishal and started creating nuisance with a special incredible sound. May be it was 'ghost' playing with Vishal or creating a problem to Vishal, was not known. Vishal was unable to understand what was happening. He was observing the happenings. What was going on, a fear gripped Vishal, just moving slowly in the graveyard. Vishal was trying to reach the other street. Vishal's physical body just became a stiff. He was unable to make his steps forward.
After moving a little distance in the graveyard, Vishal, had felt like the same experience. This time another ghost like the same specifications of first spirit like ghost, Vishal had confronted. Though the season was winter, Vishal was sweating. This time, the spirit like ghost came to Vishal, made fun of Vishal, playing around Vishal with small understandable language and incredible sound. Vishal's back side one 'spirit-like-ghost', front side another 'spirit-like-ghost', and mind-block to Vishal. Vishal was fearing, no voice to Vishal on this. He was fearing a lot. The trouble making 'ghost' shaped things making an uneasy atmosphere to Vishal. Vishal was speechless.
Vishal was uneasy. What to do next. Vishal was not able to judge, because of his age. Actually Vishal, an intelligent guy could understand well, who the normal guy and who was not? Vishal gave a serious thought. Decided himself that these spirit-like things were to be either ghosts or devils. Vishal, immediately made his walk a faster one. He made his physical fitness into top gear. Still Vishal could not make a faster move. Felt like a shock. The entire body was sweating. Looking here and there.
Thought that the work entrusted by mother, he had to complete and come back to his home. Vishal was very much stubborn. Vishal came out from his phobia. Just given a signal to his physical fitness and mind. Thought to run away from this place like PT Usha or like any other sprinter. Accordingly, Vishal made a start. Started running as fast as any sprinter. His run was equal to Sprinters' Race. Had Vishal started this type of sprint run, along with horses in the Sprinters' Race, then Vishal could come first than any other horse. Such was the running. Vishal had a scintillating run. Total body sweating. Speed was the forte for Vishal. He had small wounds. But, at last Vishal reached other street. Competed the task given by his mother. While returning back, the same speed, and same spirited and scintillating run. No looking back here and there. Just running like a horst galloping with blinkers. Vishal's heart-beats as fast as any high BP patient. Vishal came back to his house. This type of incident was first of its kind to Vishal.
Never slept for few days. Some psychological thinking. Toosensitive a boy. He did not go to school next day. Vishal's parents asked him, 'what happened Vishal?'. Vishal explained what happened at the graveyard on that night. Parents took the incident lightly though parents could guess about some type of bad elements might have caused some 'psycho-like bad spirit attack'. After one week, Vishal became normal.