Chapter 30
Doctor Vishal, Sing a Song – Who become Ghosts and Devils:
Doctor and Scientist discussed about the Anatomy and the Human Body related matters to analyze more the “Project Dead” to become “Alive”.
Forget, you Forget
Whoever leaves this World?
Gone, Never comes back
Forget, whoever leave the Silver Line
No one can speak to the gone
You can’t hear from the gone
Gone is a gone, as soul speaks few days
You lost the gone forever
Forget, the body, spirit and the soul
Gone, never listens to you
Gone, never meets you again
End of the physical body, a gone case forever
It’s true, your soul weeps
You’re Heart cries for the gone
You’ll be in sorrow
But, can’t be lazy, for the gone sake
Forget and Forget
The gone are gone
No worrying for the gone
The thoughts become ashtray
A day is sure for one to go
Where one goes, nobody knows
I can’t help, you can’t help
Death is sure to swallow us one day