Memories roll back

Age can’t go back

To move with Time

Time take us to destiny ǁ

Each second people becoming old

Value of second can’t be judged

Greatness on the utility of second

Life meaning with seconds’ ǁ

Poem Content Gist:

Life on Earth moves forward along with Time. |

Time never stops. So also Life never stops. |

People become old. |

New generations come and old generation go. |

Each second is important in life. |

One has to move along time. |

One should know the value of second. |

The utility of a second in life is a great. |

Time is Priceless. |

Also Life is Priceless



Costly Time,

O Boys, My Dance Is For You

Steps Make You Dance

No Shy, Day Is Yours’

Band and Song Is Yours

Dance Is Yours

Darling Friends

Drink and Dance

Golden Time

No High, Dance and Dine ||


Poem Content Gist:

Its Time utility. Drink and Dance in a rave party.

No problem.

But, to be in limits.