Chapter 15, Anurag success America Tour:

Chapter 15

Anurag success America Tour:

Rani Devi, AIG, CBI, new cases dealing:

Anurag Varma, completed his one month tour of America and returned back to New Delhi. Anurag submitted his tour and business reports to his CEO and other connected officials. He applied for one weak leave to relax from his hectic US tour. He enquired about the health and well-being of in-laws, Rani Devi and parents. Anurag took Rani to hospital for entire medical checkup, as Rani was pregnant. Anurag told his parents to look after Rani well. Anurag felt happy for Rani’s promotion as AIG, CBI. Anurag told Rani to slow down the speed and asked her to restrain from over strain and give importance to health. Rani said okay. Both settled in their official works. Rani’s parents and in-laws looked after the house-hold duties if Rani house.

Flash black: Rani Devi gives birth to two male babies (twins):