CHAPTER - 23, Satyam, (Kumar’s Father) Tells a Story.


Satyam, (Kumar’s Father) Tells a Story.

(Kumar and Sanjay and Maya were Present.)

Satyam explains about a bank fraud that took place several years back.

Satyam (Father) wanted to change Kumar (Son).

Satyam smelt about Kumar activities.

Savitri, also feels unhappy with Kumar.

But Paqrents helpless.

a Bank Fraud

One Gentleman, Mr. Nagabhushanam, a Bank Officer of a Nationalized Bank put in more than 20 years of service, was posted at a village in one of the districts of Telangana area.

He was a family man with grown up children.

He has all sorts of habits like playing cards, drinking, horse racing and also a womanizer and frequently used to visit cabaret dances.

He has lot of debts and financial commitments to various financial institutions, chit funds companies etc.