Chapter 41
Kumar’s Bank Fraud Information to Maya
Sanjay told Maya about their involvement in the bank fraud and the manipulation of bank money and swindling the customers’ amounts, in a fraudulent manner. Maya shouted at Sanjay and slapped him for bringing issue up to this level. Maya wept inconsolably. Tears rolled down like a river-flow. Maya’s eyes covered like hovering clouds. Maya’s heart & soul broke.
Sanjay wanted to leave Maya’s house in helpless and worried condition, but Maya scolded and told Sanjay – you and my husband Kumar sucked the blood of Mother Bank when the bank giving you bread & butter, you shameless fellows, rascals & scoundrels behaved like brainless psychos.
Don’t you get ashamed of swindling banks money?
Do you think that the banks money is your grandfather’s property?
What you people think of yourselves?
Where you people keep your face?