Continuous & uninterrupted education is better than disturbed & break-in education. One stretch completion of education is far better and fruitful than break-in-start piece-meal education.
Good education – Good governance
Good society – Good life
Be self-reliant – Be self-grow
One will never regain the time once lost
Education – experience – thought process – money – planning & implementation – strategy can provide an opportunity to a person to establish Hubs in the field of – IT, Pharmaceutical, Real Estate, Education, Industry & Manufacture, Public Sector and Private Sector, Trade and Business, Tourist Center , Agriculture, Movie Industry, Aerospace Manufacturing Units and other Hubs for new start-ups in various fields like Science & Technology, Agriculture, Automobiles, Software Development, Electronics, Mechanical and Aerospace and Industry etc. Also likely Hubs like Hardware Hub, Wood & Furniture Hub, Plastic Industry Hub, Color & Paint Industry Hub, Paper Industry Hub, and Distillery Industry Hub, Training Industry Hub etc.
Education & Literacy is one’s right. A person’s development & progress depends on his/her education and caliber. The development & progress will be slow if education of a person is bleak and weak.
The opportunity & luck nocks the door one time in life, at one particular age. At that time, one has to briskly & swiftly swing into action for settling in life, in a right way acceptable as per law-of-land.
The golden era once gone never returns to regain so easily.
The entire world watches you, but you cannot watch the entire world.
The deeds are important than the words.
One will get respect & honor, if one respects & honor the Constitution & Law.
If you wait for happy moments,
You will wait forever,
But if you start believing that you are happy,
You will be the happy forever
Stay Away From Anger… it Hurts Only You!
If You Are Right Then There is No Need to Get Angry…
And if You Are Wrong Then You Don’t Have Any Right to Get Angry
Patience with Family is Love…
Patience with Others is Respect
Patience with Self is Confidence and Patience with God is Faith
Never Think Hard About The PAST, it Brings Tears…
Don’t Think More about the FUTURE, it Brings Fear…
Live This Moment with a Smile, it Brings Cheer
Every Test in Our Life Makes Us Bitter Or Better…
Every Problem Comes To Make Us Or Break Us…
The Choice is Ours Whether We Become Victims or Victorious
Beautiful Things Are Not Always Good But Good Things Are Always Beautiful…
Do You Know Why God Created Gaps between Fingers? That Someone, Who is Special To You, Comes And Fills Those Gaps, By Holding Your Hand Forever.
“Happiness” Keeps You Sweet But Being Sweet Brings Happiness.
Do Share it, With All the Good People in Your Life.
I have noticed and observed that many of the qualified students opt for software line now a days, may be due to they may be getting good and higher pay/wages. Of course, this is a temptation and getting good pay is fine and OK. But, there are various other difficulties, software personnel would have to confront during their professional career especially, in software line. Few of the incidents, as an author I would like to project below for the enlightenment of all the people and readers.
Why college come out chaps are crazy to choose and opt the software line? Why the software life is preferred? Why IT field looks to be dominating the employment sector. Why IT field is much in demand throughout the world? Is IT field suitable to male candidates? Why can’t IT Sector encourage female candidates? Can IT employees sustain the long working hours apart from to & fro journey making from long distances? How the IT employees commute such long distances? Are IT employees satisfied with their earnings? Are there any good benefits in IT field when compared to Government and Banking employment in the longer run?
Why most of the IT employees change from one Company to another in a span of few years? Is the software knowledge un-ending?
Will all the software employees learn all the software packages and update themselves in a span of over 10 years? Will the software technology development line last forever? Has the software technology is much in demand worldwide?
Why IT candidates’ are fond of only IT sector? Is there any job guarantee in the IT field?
Why can’t the Union Government and the respective State Governments establish the IT Recruitment Board like the one Banking Recruitment Board or like Union Public Service Commission or State Public Service Commission and bring all IT sector into one Umbrella? Why can’t this IT Sector be brought under Semi-Government category, or Autonomous Body category? Why can’t these IT sector units be nationalized slowly?
Why can’t sick State Government Units and Public Sector Undertakings be replenished through amalgamation of few IT sectors, by offering few encouraging sops to IT managements who are interested for this merger with sick State & Public Sector Enterprises?
Which State will Bell the Cat for this type of exercise? Why can’t the Government(s) study the feasibility of this type of move? Why can’t the Government form a Committee with Expert Members nominated from different fields for study of these issues and submit a report to Government?
At present, the IT field is purely a private sector. Many IT Companies pay huge salaries to IT employees and it looks, there is no limit for salary packages being given to IT employees, who have put in a minimum experience of five years and more.
Few of the female employees already working in IT field, especially in software line, are searching for good Government jobs or Banking jobs, as per their age and qualification eligibility to avoid long run sustainability in IT field.
The charm of working in the IT line for the candidates after working for few years, is fading away because of many reasons such as, jumping from one Company to another Company for quick huge bucks, transfers from one place another due to new Project works, candidates coming under Bench stage due to no new projects, candidates getting married to qualified software people of another company located in different States, Candidates not willing to continue in software line due to ill-health and due to domestic reasons, and many more reasons which are self-explanatory.
Many ITeans do not stick to one organization. People go on changing organizations each 2 to 3 years or 4 to 5 years. These software engineers need quick jump in their pay packages in India. Most of the software companies are established in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, New Delhi and Kolkata and at other places. People are prepared to work in these States, if they are given slightly bigger packages than the existing one. Some qualified ITeans trying to go abroad viz., Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Germany, USA and other countries. But, at one stage or the other or after a couple of years working at one place, they go on changing the organization to organization.
Many of the ITeans, who have talent, knowledge, have opened their own small type of companies doing sub-contract software jobs and outsourcing jobs or set up their own software company. One can observe through websites and search engines, quite a good number of companies in the various states and cities.
But, it looks to be, for job holders in Private IT field, there is no job guarantee. Many people are at bench without any project.
Moreover, IT people have to work for around nine hours each day, as weekends Saturday and Sunday are holidays. ITeans and others have to show progress in their given project work on weekly/fortnightly/monthly/quarterly basis. If the performance is not good, IT people will be removed from service without any reason whatsoever. If the people are at bench, their variation pay will not be paid by their employer. Sitting at bench without any project work, is also dangerous, as such people are tend to lose their job or could possibly be removed from service, in view of not having any project at hand. In such a case such employees many not get good jobs elsewhere, as the new recruiting company would definitely ask for “reasons for change of job”.
Changing from one IT office to another IT sector and shifting one home to another home becomes a very costly affair for ITeans and others. There is no other go except they have to shell-down good amount of money.
One software IT giant company client, who appoints a Software Engineer as a Team Lead says – Wow and Hi, My Dear employee, you will have to complete the given project work within the stipulated time frame and should be completed well ahead of the time schedules while meeting the challenges and pressures. Lest, you will be “ousted” from the job or you will be kept in the Bench. Again the client says – you will be “Toasted” if you do not reach the full target in the given project. But, one thing is sure, client tells to the employed IT engineer. If one wants to continue in IT field, one day or the other, one will be “Ousted” or “Toasted”, and one has to bear with it.
Please get prepared, said a client to the IT employee who is engaged on the given project work in the IT sector.