Chapter 3, LION AND THE RAT story

Chapter 3


The God’s creation is Great

The Honesty is the best policy


One should not laugh at others.

One should not feel great.

One should not feel proud.

One should treat others with respect.

One should not degrade others.

Give Respect and Take Respect.


It was a forest.

A Lion was living there.

Many animals were also living there.

Whenever the Lion roars, all the animals were scared.

All animals were afraid of the Lion

All animals were running away for Life.

So, all the animals started living in the caves for fear of attack from the Lion.

All the animals even stopped moving around the forest freely.

They lived under fear and tension.

So, at the same time, there was a small Rat living among the animals.

The Rat was small, fast and quick in its movements.

The Rat could dance and be joyful.

The Rat never harmed other animals.

It is so that animals used to sleep in the afternoons.