Chapter 19


The significance of performing Yagnas and How does it helps?

Maharshi explains to all the Rushis, Warrior and all the followers:

Without the Sun's heat and rays Planets have no life.

All the Planets become lifeless and shapeless ball of ice-quoted rock.

The Sun warms all the seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates weather patterns and gives energy to the growing green plants which in turn provides good and oxygen for the life on all the Planets and also on Earth planet.

1) The Sun provides heat for life to develop and grow.

2). The Sun provides light for Plants.

3). The Sun protects solar system from cosmic radiation.

4). The Sun keeps all Planets in Orbit.

5). The Sun is a potential source of energy for life things and life beings.

Panchabhutas (Five Elements), the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and the Sky are magnetic in Nature.

In these five elements, fire is a catalyst.