Chapter 6- Preparation

The old man on the other side of the room waved us over and pointed at three large pillows on the floor. Sona, Tashin, and Cain sat on them, while I stood behind Sona. Cain and I had to leave our weapons near the door, so we were left with our armor. I then glanced at what I guess is the tribe’s elder. His body was scrawny and has the same light brown tanned color as everyone. He has short grey hair and a short grey beard. He was wearing brown shorts, an orange leather vest, sandals, and a red and brown headband with eagle feathers around it like a crown. He is also wearing a wooden bead necklace and had wooden beads around his wrists and ankles.

He was confused on why I was attending the meeting and waves over the man that brought us here.

“Who is this young man?”

“Apparently he’s the apprentice of the woman, so she asked to bring him along. Should I escort him out?”

The elder just waved him away.

“It’s fine. Noekanippe, bring our guests some tea.”