Chapter 25-

The person in the full suit of armor started walking towards me.

(Who are you?) I shouted out to the figure.

The person didn't stop or said anything. But it stopped near one of the ponds and crouched down.

This confused me, but I didn't lower my guard and neither did Lux.

Getting a good look at the figure, I could see that it looked like it's been here for awhile.

The armor that it was wearing was a type of full body plate mail armor and I couldn't see anything underneath it. The helmet covered the figure's face and the armor was really worn out. There were scratches, bits chipped out, dirt, and dents all over it. On the figure's side there was a longsword and a buckler on it's right arm, which were in the same condition as the armor.

(Uh, hello?) I asked, wondering if the figure just couldn't understand me.

The figure then plunged a hand into the pond and pulled out a shrimp. What it did next creeped me out.

The figure then placed the live shrimp under the helmet and it was followed with loud crunching sounds.

'Ok, that's weird? Guess it isn't a living suit of armor since it eats?' I thought to myself.

The figure then plunged it's hand into the water again and pulled out another live shrimp.

While it was eating, Lux kept growling and barking at the figure. So this made me worry.

(Uh, excuse me? Person in the armor, could you understand me? Hello!) I said as I kept trying to get it's attention.

The figure was on it's sixth shrimp before it paused for a moment, then the figure went back to eating.

It was hard to try sounding normal and saying some words without lips. But I knew that the figure knew that I was here.

(So what are you here for?... Is it to kill me?) I asked.

The figure just kept eating.

(You wouldn't happen to work for someone called 'The Maker', wouldn't you?) I asked.

This made the figure pause for a moment and I thought that it was going to say something, but it went back to eating.

I then let out a long sigh and kicked a rock at a tree.

(Could you at least say something? Anything would do!) I shouted out.

The figure still didn't say anything or reacted to my shouting.


The fact that Lux still had his guard up let me know that I shouldn't either.

But soon the figure stopped eating and got up.

(You could at least tell me if you're friend or foe? Surely you could manage that, can you?) I asked while pointing my sickle at the figure.

The figure didn't care about the weapon pointed at it. The figure started walking away without saying anything or even showed any sign of wanting to fight.

I thought about ignoring the strange figure, but I saw that it looked back at me. It then pointed at me, then out to the large crystal in the distance.

I gave a shrug and raised an eyebrow at the figure, showing that I don't understand what it's trying to tell me.

(What, do you want me to follow you to that monster in the crystal? Sorry, but I don't trust or know you.) I said to the figure.

It then started walking towards the direction of the large crystal.

I then sat back down and picked up my plate. I then saw that Lux was staring and growling at where the figure walked off to.

(Forget it, Lux. It wouldn't be best to follow that weirdo.) I said as I tossed a shrimp into my mouth.




For a whole week I explored the floor. There wasn't anything else except the usual snow, pine trees, and ponds with plenty of the shrimps. I didn't see any sign of the strange figure or anyone like that, but I noticed something about myself.

I noticed that without the Divine Cloth on my arm, strange small obsidian-like spikes started to sprout from my arm. If I took the cloth off my face, I’d experience minor pain on my face and jaw. So I kept wearing it on my face in order to avoid discomfort.

But other than the boredom, I faced another minor problem. Without any clouds in the sky, somehow snow falls on this floor.

It surprised me when it first snowed. I honestly thought that it was a surprise attack and hid inside a hollow tree trunk for an hour. I was glad that there wasn’t anyone to see that, because I felt dumb for thinking that it was a sneak attack.

But the falling snow does put out any campfires that I set up, so I had to build something to try protecting it from the fallen snow. But once I built a roof to shelter the fire, I found myself adding more and more to it.

I soon added walls around it and made a small shelter. Then that small shelter became a slightly bigger one, then a bigger one, then I found myself chopping down a few trees and using them to improve it, and by the end of the week I had myself a small home. Though it was made mostly of mud, branches, logs, and leaves, it was pretty much the equivalent of a five-star hotel compared to my previous bases.

The isolation was barrable thanks to Lux, and there were plenty of these shrimps around. But soon curiosity turned my attention to the giant crystal and the strange creature inside.



I reached the bottom of the hill where the giant crystal was on top of, holding a five foot spear that I recently crafted. I knew that it wouldn't be able to pierce the crystal or the creature within, but it was better than approaching with only a sickle.

'Well I guess there's no other choice?' I thought to myself, before turning my attention to Lux.

(I'm going to have to leave you here for now. I'm not sure that I could protect you and I don't wanna put you at risk.) I said to Lux.

Lux then whimpered and ran around in a circle, showing that he wants to go with me.

(This is something different from the usual rabbits that you hunted on the previous floor. Whatever’s on the top of this hill would most likely be a threat to us. So please stay here for now?) I said while pointing to the ground.

Lux whimpered as he sat down, so I gave him a little scratch behind the ear and started walking up the hill.

I could feel a strong heavy feeling in my chest as I walked up the hill, seeing more and more of the creature inside the crystal as I made my way closer.

It was a pretty terrifying monster. It didn’t have any scales, had long razor sharp claws, had two strong hind legs and four long upper arms, six black voids for eyes, an open mouth revealing two rows of upper and lower razor sharp teeth, two tusks on both sides of the upper jaw, a long whip-like tail, and a bony spine sticking out along it’s back. It looked like something that not even a large army could take down and I didn’t want to imagine what it would be like fighting it.

‘I wonder what Sona would do against it?... She'll most likely punch it.’ I thought to myself as I reached the top of the hill.

Once I reached the top, I was met with a familiar face.

(Oh hey, you're here!) I say to the figure sitting near the base of the giant crystal.

I saw the figure in armor from a week ago, sitting with its legs crossed and back against the giant crystal.

(Have you been waiting here all this time? Also, do you mind if I give you a name?) I asked the figure.

The figure in armor didn't say anything or even move an inch.

(Alright, I'm just going to call you Bob.) I said while stabbing the spearhead into the ground.

(So Bob, what brings you to this floor and why do you want to rest here? It doesn't look that comfy?) I said while looking up at the unmoving monster's gaze, which was staring down at the two of us.

Like usual, Bob was just sitting there and not moving an inch.

(Hey… you're not dead, are you?) I said while poking Bob's helmet.

After poking Bob’s helmet a few times, he got up and started adjusting the straps on his armor.

(Oh thank goodness, it would’ve sucked if you were dead.) I said after breathing a sigh of relief.

After adjusting the straps on his armor, Bob reached for his sword and unsheathed it. This made me pull the spear out of the ground and readied it.

(So does this mean you wanna fight?... Huh?) I said after seeing what Bob did next.

Immediately after he unsheathed it, he stabbed the sword into the crystal behind him and pierced the ankle of the creature trapped inside it. Then Bob reached into his satchel and pulled out a bowl. He then held the bowl out under the end of the sword.

(What are you doing?) I asked, but remembered that he doesn’t talk.

I then noticed the blood leaking out from where he stabbed the creature. It traveled out from the wound, along the blade of the sword, out the hole, and started leaking into the bowl that he held out.

After the bowl filled up with the creature’s blood, Bob pulled the sword out of the crystal and sealed the hole with some mud that he scooped up.

(What do you need that for?) I asked.

Without turning around, Bob lifted his helmet slightly and poured some of the blood into his mouth. When he finished drinking half of it, he then lowered his helmet and looked at me.

(Ok, that’s pretty gross?) I said while covering my nose.

Then Bob held the bowl out to me.

(Don’t offer that to me! What, do you expect me to drink it?!) I shouted as I took a step back.

But despite my refusal, Bob still held the bowl out and didn't move an inch.

After thinking about it for a while and seeing that Bob drank the blood too and hadn't done anything to harm me, meant that there's a reason why he's doing this. So I decided to see why he's doing this and grabbed the bowl.

The stench of the blood reached my nose and I almost started coughing.

(Man, that stinks! Why would you drink this stuff?) I asked while inspecting the blood.

I was impressed how Bob managed to drink it without spitting it right back out, but I didn't look forward to how it would taste.

So after hyping myself up and closing my eyes, I brought the bowl to my mouth and forced myself to drink the foul smelling blood.

While the smell was unbearable, the taste was worse. I would've rather drink those healing potions that taste like sweaty feet, than whatever was in this blood. But in the end, I finished the bowl and started coughing.

(Ok, I drank the blood. Happy now?) I said while wiping my mouth and handing the bowl back to Bob.

Bob then placed the bowl back into his satchel and readied his sword.

(So does this mean you’re actually wanting a fight?) I said, readying my spear.

After a short silence, Bob charged at me and began swinging his sword at me.

As I'd expect from a weapon made of wood, Bob was slicing my spear into bits whenever I blocked it. So after losing my spear, I brought out my sickle and started clashing the sickle with the longsword. Both of our weapons were weaving in and out in the fight, trying to get an advantage on the other.

Whenever I tried to go for an opening, Bob would block it with his buckler. Whenever he tried to go for an opening, I would twist my body out of the way of the attack and create some distance. Even when I brought out my dagger in the other hand and started swinging both weapons at him, I couldn’t get past his defense.

But there was something that I thought was odd about this fight. Most of the hunters and monsters that I faced in this dungeon had incredible strength or speed that’ll make anyone have a tough time killing them. But during my fight with this stranger, I didn’t feel any of that. There was no monstrous strength, speed, or any murderous intent.

It just felt like I was fighting against a normal guy with years of training, something that I haven't seen since my time at the mercenary camp.

‘Who is this guy?’ I asked myself. ‘The way he fights and how calm he is… it’s like this fight isn’t to the death to him? Almost like he’s testing me or something?’

It wasn’t until I started mixing in some kicks and knee strikes in my fighting style, that I started pushing him back. But I didn’t hear or see any sign of struggle from him and he just kept pushing back.

I don't know why, but there was a strange feeling in my chest as I kept fighting. Something about this made me wanna keep going and gave me strength. I even saw that Bob was starting to improve too, and we both kept going.

It almost felt like there was a small flame in my chest and it wanted me to keep going. To keep going and win this fight, then push through the other trials.

But soon Bob found the perfect opening and used the opportunity to knock the sickle out of my hand. Then he started swinging his sword at me multiple times and I was forced to avoid them.

The blade was almost dull and parts of it was chipped off, but it was enough to pierce through the crystal and it wasn’t something that I’d wanna get cut by.

But soon an idea came to me and I remembered something that could help regain the advantage.

Once when Bob went for a thrust, I swung my backpack in front of me to block.

The blade stabbed into the bag and stopped when a loud metallic clang ringed inside. Bob was surprised when this happened and I used this opportunity to send a reverse roundhouse kick at his head.

Once my foot hit the side of his helmet, Bob fell onto the ground and the helmet flew off of his head. Meanwhile, I reached into my backpack and pulled out the crushed remains of my old metal bat.

(Thanks old friend.) I said to it, before returning it to the bag and picking up Bob's sword.

While Bob was getting up, he saw that I had his sword and pointed it towards him.

(So… that's what you look like, huh?) I said, getting a good look at what was under the helmet.

The reason why I never heard him talk before, was because he was a ghoul and lacked any flesh on his throat.

Bob didn’t try to continue the fight, but he was making an effort of covering his face with his arm.

I then walked towards Bob’s direction, making him wince and look away.

(You want this back, right?) I said as I picked up his helmet and held it towards him.

Bob looked at the helmet in surprise, but was hesitant about taking it.

(Just take it. You don’t wanna continue fighting without your helmet, right?) I said as I handed him his helmet.

Bob takes the helmet and puts it back on.

(Since I knocked you down, does that mean I won this fight? That was the test, right?) I asked.

Bob gets off the ground and gives me a nod, then holds his hand out. I then hand him back his sword and he walks over to a nearby pile of flat stones. Bob then lifts the sword above his head and plunges it into the pile of rocks.

The moment this happened, sparks flew off the sword and hit the nearby stones. Then all of the stones floated off the ground and formed into a door frame. Sparks came off the stones and formed a portal within the door frame.

(Wow… ) I said as I admired the portal.

Bob then turned towards me and pointed towards the portal. I was about to go into the portal, but stopped myself before entering.

(Hold on for a moment, Bob. I almost forgot someone.) I said as I took a few steps back.

I called out for Lux and after a few minutes, he ran up to me. I then hold my hand out towards Bob.

(Hey, thanks for the fight. I know it sounds weird, but I had fun during our fight. Been awhile since I had a normal sparring match.) I said as I gave him a smile.

Bob stared at my hand for a moment, then accepted the handshake.

(Before I go, could you at least let me know what your name is? It wouldn't be right to leave without knowing it.) I asked.

Bob then shrugged and scratched the side of his helmet.

(So you don't know, huh? Then what would you like me to call you then?) I said as I crossed my arms.

Bob then crouched down and wrote some letters on the ground with his finger.


(Really? You're fine with Bob? I just called you that since I couldn't think of anything else and since it's a very common name.) I explained.

He then gave me a nod.

I guess that since he didn't remember his old name, he was fine with any name despite how common it was.

(Fine then. Guess you're Bob now? Since I know that you wouldn't be able to answer any of my questions, I guess this is goodbye? Unless you wish to come with me?) I said as I approached the portal with Lux and looked back at Bob.

Bob just shook his head.

(I guess it wouldn't be a fair trial if you came with me?) I said as I sighed. (There's a small shelter that I built during my time here. It's yours if you want. Better than sitting under the glare of that thing.) I said as I pointed at the creature within the crystal.

Bob then nods and starts walking down the hill.

(I guess we should get going too?) I said to Lux before looking at the portal next to me.

I couldn’t see what was past the portal, just a swirl of blue and white energy. It was different from the other doors that I’ve seen in this dungeon and I wondered why this one was different.

‘I wonder what’s going to be on the other side of this?’ I thought to myself.

And with that, Lux and I walked through the portal.