Chapter 72-

When Toshio arrived back at the waiting hall, he found out that his friends were waiting in the balcony room that he and Elisa were in before. When he got to them, he saw that Bob was the only one there.

“Hey Bob. Where’s Elisa and Nagishi?” Toshio asked.

Bob replied by pointing down towards the arena. It turns out that Both Nagishi and Elisa were participating in the next match. This was something that Toshio didn’t want to happen. But he knew that it was inevitable that eventually one of them would have to face another during the tournament.

“Who do you think will win? Nagishi or Elisa?” Toshio asked.

Bob poked his face with the tips of his fingers, gesturing to Elisa’s freckles.

“Elisa huh?” Toshio replied. “Yeah, that's pretty obvious. She's the second strongest woman that I know.”
