Dr Paul led the way to his office as Charlie trailed behind dreading any news the Dr had for her.
The office was opulently furnished and offered its occupant the luxury of a huge glass wall with the view of the big city ,it still carried the same hospital smell of antiseptic,drugs and so on she distracted herself with the huge human skeleton that stood at the extreme end of the wall a bed which was used for examination of patients, on the wall of office was pasted calenders on several diagnosis with symtoms ,what caught her attention was the big poster that talked about How to fight cancer ,charlie tried comparing her situation with that of cancer which was a more worser diagnosis she also noted there was an adjoined door which should be the bathroom.
Dr Paul sat down at his seat opposite her as he motioned for Charlie to seat with a grim smile he dropped his stethoscope carefully on the table then he searched through neatly arranged files on his desk.
"Yes as to why I called you here, I have found a doctor who could help with your husband case"
Charlie allowed herself to breath holding on to a glint of hope .
"Its a private hospital in India, I have made all the inquiries necessary its a well know medical hospital ,but you could still go on and make your own research to be certain"
He paused to know if he had her attention
"So what do I do Dr" she smiled weakly
He passed her a file which had updates about the hospital and financial updates
"When you are ready let me know let's work on the necessary medical protocols"
"No time madam " he added
"I understand the urgency of it Dr ,can I go see him please"
"Visitors are limited because his case is a fragile one but I will take you to him if you promise to be discrete "
"Yes I will doctor , I understand" Charlie replied with a greatful look
The Dr led her to the private ward where her husband was kept ,she broke into tears her once vibrant husband life is been controlled by beeping monitors and oxygen its been a week but charlie still found it difficult to control her emotions, he looked thin and dead to the world,it was only the ready monitor that showed signs of life .
"I will leave you alone with him now " Dr Paul said after checking the drip attached to his veins
Charlie nodded already seated at the stool close to him
"I have failed you my love... I have failed you,if you were here with me you would have told me what to do...how can I face the harsh trivialities of this world without you, everything is fallen apart,am at the brink of loosing my mind"
Pouring her heart out she held the cold unmoving hands of her husband
"What do I do now,please I need you to help me scale through this,just wake up from this slumber"
There was an unseen force that came with a howling wind dancing round his car suddenly he was pushed by the spirit to pray he started speaking in tongues as the wind carried dust from the red earth around him Jesse coughed gasping for air
"Return back to where you come from or loose your life"
A voice howled angrily in the wind as it squeezed life out of Jesse
Jesse was loosing his stance on the ground he felt a surge of power building in him ready to explode
"Now I don't care to know what powerless tactics you use ,but my Bible tells me though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for my God is with me his rod and his staff they comfort me by the power and authority he has given me I rebuke you and send you back to where you have come from"
Suddenly there was silence the wind has ceased ,the night was still ,darkness had already blanketed the earth he wondered what lay ahead of him now he knew the journey ahead was no child's play .
Jesse offered a song of Thanksgiving to God as he walked round the car again to be sure all was well
He found himself playing a song from his phone
Still by hill song a fav on his playlist as he sang along all ready and alert.
The darkness that enveloped the thatched house was so think that charlie could barely make out human figures,she thought it absurd to be all decked up like she was in a special occasion where no one could really see her,though Ajoke her friend sat beside her she could identify the fragrance of her expensive perfume, there were other women also sitted like her,she was certain they held more sophisticated luster and appeals among peers and contemporaries in the society.
They hummed a song only known to them,she was curious as to who or what they were waiting for .
The thatched house where Ajoke had brought her to was spacious though with wooden benches ,there was an inner room in the house covered with a black curtain she could tell from the dim light that shone inside
"What are we waiting for " her curiosity piqued, she whispered impatiently to Ajoke who seem more comfortable with the silence and dark room
"Shh" Ajoke whispered back humming the song along with the bevy of ladies
"Young woman I know why you are here" A voice from the inner room boomed loudly making the women to pause in their ridiculous chanting
Charlie wondered who amongst the women he referred to.
"You seek for answers to your misfortune but" the voice pause with an outrageous laugh making charlie heart skip
"Are you ready to take the steps this women have taken" the voice finally finished waiting for a response
Charlie found her eyes darting round the figures she could make out straining her ears for any kind of response when Ajoke pinched her and whispered
"Say something"
"Ouch"charlie flinched
" ye...yes"she stammered then turned to Ajoke in a low shrill voice that looked frightened
"What is he talking about"
Some one close to her laughed in mockery
"You would soon know my dear"
"I am Otubana the greatest I give wealth protection and solutions but you give to Otubana so you can recieve from him" the voice echoed as sadistic laughter boomed then incantations followed
"Come to Otubana woman...come to me...come"
Charlie stood up from the hard wooden bench she could feel goose pimples rise all over her skin as she slowly walked towards the inner room
The bevy of ladies laughed in chorus,melancholic laughter that resounds from experience
They all knew what awaits her in that room but no one was willing to tell.
It was a mystery she was yet to uncover
She was frightened to her bones but took a step inside the inner room
What she saw made her scream.