Chapter 15

Jesse playlist

You Are Jehovah

Prospa ochimana


"Okosisi Akalamuo,the one who at his words the spirit obeys I greet you" Obike greeted from outside the square hut

"Obike my good friend,the son of Ikuku whose father was what do I own this visit"

Charlie watched Obike and a young stranger exchanged pleasantries,the young man called Okosisi akalamuo was dark skinned ,a white wrapper was tied to his waist as white 'nzu' dusted his feet and his right eye,charlie wondered what kind of acaeic way back tradition her husband people still follow despite the fact western civilization had long been in existence, their host studied her as she dangled helplessly at the arms of Obike servants

"Hmmm...I see you brought us company"