Jesse playlist
Is your name in this Book of life
By Nathaniel bassey
SON I have been hoping to hear from you ,please tell me you are doing alright"
Pastor Dotun spoke from the receiving end of the phone .
Jesse could tell from his excited voice that they had been anxious to hear from him
"I am fine Dad how is mummy"
" she is okay, your mother is always praying for you son"
Jesse gave a little smile knowing his mother well
" I was led to a community oppressed by a said god,they are really In need of Jesus,the journey had not been easy ,But Jehovah has promised to be with me till the end, his grace is sufficient already... Diverse testimonies I have experienced "
" praise God! Hallelujah to the most High ...can we be of any assistance "
" Actually yes,that's why I called,I need the prayer bands and crusade crew here with me"