CHAPTER 20 : Under Your Spell

I was thirteen when I figured I liked boys, or maybe just one boy in particular. It wasn't in this one moment that I suddenly fell for him and I realized I was gay. I guess I always liked him, I was just never able to put a name to the emotion I felt towards him. We were friends, and for the longest time I thought it was just that, friendship.

It was when I was thirteen that I thought, realized for the first time, that maybe, just maybe there was something a little more to how I felt about him. I'd read enough novels to know what love was, or what I thought love was. I was still just thirteen.

He was funny, he was cute, he was thoughtful, and worst of all, he was my best friend. My only friend. I felt stupid for liking him, he'd never like me back. He thought of me as his friend, his best friend and nothing more.