CHAPTER 22 : Don't Let Me Go

"She tried to kill you!" Abby yelled.

"I know, but she didn't," I pointed out.

"She could try to do it again," she said crossing her hands over her chest. I moved closer to her, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"She won't," I assured her. But to be honest I wasn't sure. Paige hated me, not just strongly disliked, like I'd originally thought. To her truest core she detested me. She blamed me for her brother's death. A part of me wanted to crumble under the weight of that guilt but I couldn't.

This wasn't my fault, I had to stop seeing it as that. My mind had been going around in circles about this for months. People had been telling me over and over that it wasn't my fault but I didn't want to believe them.

Maybe because it was easier to blame myself. I didn't want to face that there was a bigger enemy out there that I had to face. If every problem, every incident, every death was my fault then all I had to do was end myself and the problem would be fixed.