Wow, I can't believe we're actually here; the end. Writing this story has been my focus this entire year and saying goodbye now, hurts.
I'd like to thank my little sister. Thank you for being the only person who ever listened to my ramblings. Thank you for your advice, your patience, your love. Thank you for sticking with me even though I'm sometimes insufferably annoying. Thank you for never giving up on me.
A special thank you to my best friend Elsea, the first person who gave this story a chance. You and I, we're like kindred spirits, two souls that have found love in books and fantasy worlds. I've never met anyone who likes all the things I do, thank you for being that person, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for reading.
Thank you, to you my readers, to everyone who stuck around this far, to everyone who voted and commented. You truly were my motivation to keep writing, especially on the days I lost faith in myself. Thank you.