The beggining

Loki froze, he couldn't believe that that sentence had come from his lover's lips; time seemed to stop as he saw an annoyed Odin claim something from Thor as he crossed his arms.

-I will not do it-

-I'm not asking you, it's an order; and you must say "my lord" when you finish speaking; I remind you that I am still the heir of Asgard-

The surprise in his eyes was capital as he looked up at the blonde; He was facing him looking at him without any feeling in his eyes, he wanted to claim, but Thor took his chin with force causing him a groan only to kiss him roughly.

-Go to your rooms, I'll start building new ones; I want to see you at the food-

The three warriors and Sif gave the prince a sad look as he stood in the middle of the room puzzled and scared; For the first time in years Thor had scared him, his hands no longer provided warmth, now they were cold like Jotunheim.

-I will not allow this outrage Loki, your brother will have a wife and will give an heir; now out of my sight-

I watch Odin with disgust as he fled from there more out of confusion than because of the threat of the father of everything; He ran to the only place where he felt safe with that woman he loved so much; He arrived at his mother's quarters and entered as the image in front of his eyes calmed his racing heart, Frigga sang soft verses to a small 3-month-old infant with black hair who yawned as he closed his eyes.

- Whats going on Son? Einar got very restless a few moments ago-

Loki took the baby while hugging himself, it was a small baby with white complexion and black hair; a month after Thor left he began to feel bad and went to his mother who after checking some things informed him that he was a maiden - a man with the ability to procreate - and that he was a month old; He still remembered that that was the happiest day of his life.

The months that he had spent in the castle were somewhat hard, but with the help of his mother and the absence of Odin he had spent them calmly imagining what his baby would be like; and waiting for the return of the father; the day of delivery arrived and the contractions attacked him while he ate with his mother.

-It is coming-

-bring towels and water-

The baby was born and he was beautiful; He had thought that he would be blond like his father, but he was more like him, although his mother said that he had yet to see his eyes; She had not wanted to know the sex before so she had chosen two names, one for a girl Erika "unique princess" and Einar "warrior leader" in the end had been male and she had remained as Einar.

Loki sighed as he laid his baby in his crib, and hugged his mother telling her what had happened including the threat from Odin, Frigga's heart was restless and she took a quick look at the baby; She would confirm her suspicions in the food, she called two maids to take care of the little one while she and Loki went to the dining room; on the way Frigga asked Loki not to tell about the baby yet.

-I want to confirm something-

They arrived at the table where there was a great banquet with a lot of food and alcohol, Frigga looked disapprovingly at her husband, but he simply shrugged Loki sat next to the older woman while looking at the warriors and Sif but it was simply to avoid see Thor talk about his exploits which involved death and destruction.

Halfway through the evening a piece of paper reached him, the neat handwriting he recognized as Sif's could see the disappointment and concern on her face. And without further words they began a secret conversation covered by the three warriors and Frigga.

-It's not him anymore-

- What happened? -

-Odin did something to him, he gave him a rare concoction and the next day; already-

-I hate Odin-

-we are two now-

The conversation ended and Loki threw that paper into the fire while sighing, glaring at the father of all who seemed very proud of his first-born; Frigga sighed as she observed with sadness and fear the radical change in her eldest son; the doors opened as several dancers entered, Thor was the first to be surrounded and almost shamelessly smiled as he ran his hands over the bodies of others; Loki got up as he left, Frigga accompanied him being ignored by the others.

- I can not believe it! -

-Quiet honey, you will wake up Einar-

-You saw it mom, he is no longer Thor and all because of Odin-

-I saw it, Odin is wrong-

-I'm afraid for Einar and what he told me-

-Don't worry we'll keep Einar a secret between us if Thor continues like this we'll have to think of something-

-thanks Mom-

-you're welcome; Come, it is better that tonight they sleep here-

The next day and once the hangover was over; Thor began to take command of some things, among them he began to build a mansion near the castle, the house of his concubines and yes, the word sus is well written since that day Thor presented four other girls that he had taken prisoner in Vanaheim .

-Loki, she does it was your maiden; She is too young to make her my concubine-

Thor pushed a young girl around 12 years old with a dark complexion, blue hair and black eyes; which was somewhat scared and looked at the floor making a slight bow.

-My name is Kaira my lord, nice to meet you-

-for the rest Loki is my main concubine; He, like you, belongs to me, but he enjoys some privileges that you don't; his room is the largest and only he can have maids; and ask me for gifts or whatever you need; the rest will have to conform to what you grant, do you understand? -

-Yes my lord-

They all bowed their heads and Thor's gaze focused on the green-eyed one who despite his initial reluctance lowered his head into clenched fists.

-Loki join me, the rest retreat to the guest rooms, Kaira you go with my mother and help her in whatever she needs-

-Yes my lord-

They all left and once alone Loki followed Thor to the construction of the new concubine house; They were observing some things and after a sign from Thor all the workers left the room, the prince of Asgard hugged Loki who tensed as the blond rubbed his privacy against his buttocks.

- you like? -

-Let go-

Loki got out of the grip invoking his scepter as he saw Thor furious, he smiled evilly as he pushed the prince against a wall; Loki gave a piteous groan as an electric current passed through his arm forcing him to drop the scepter.

-do not fight or it will be worse-

I look down noticing a few small rays coming out of the older man's hands; He had forgotten that Thor was the god of thunder. He dropped the scepter while Thor smiled at the slight reddish mark on his wrist, he took it, taking it to his lips, giving him a soft kiss.

-I don't want to harm you, but if you disobey me, I would have no choice but to discipline you; Loki you are mine, my property, I will treat you like a prince as long as you bow down to me; I don't want to send daddy's troops to Jotunheim, although you win, he doesn't lack, there are few of your race left

-you would not dare-

-don't tempt your luck Loki, while you're here with me Jotunheim will be safe with your father Laufey; You just have to obey you have always had that stubborn character that fascinates me and that is why I made you my concubine, but as Dad says I need a wife and an heir, although I refuse to have a child so soon it would only be a nuisance-

Thor's words broke his heart into a thousand pieces, as he held back the urge to cry; he relaxed his body while Thor smiled and stole a kiss by force, his mind sought what to do as he could, he had to protect his son; He stopped resisting when Thor kissed his neck, although he sighed in relief when he released him at the arrival of the father of all; he managed to sneak back to the castle his son was his main priority he had to do something to defend him from the monster that his father had become.

-My lord Loki, you? -

-Kaira is silent, Thor will never find out about this, understand? -

-Yes my lord-

- What are we going to do Loki? -

-I don't know mom, I can't keep Einar hidden so long-

-I have an idea, but you won't like it darling-

- Which? -

-We will hide it in an orphanage ... in Midgard-

Loki paled as his maid changed the baby, clenching his fists was his best option, but ... parting with his son? That would hurt his soul, that pain made him smile bitterly, his father must have felt the same when he was handed over to Frigga.

-It doesn't have to be today, the construction will take two more months and Thor will be busy with it; we can take care of it in the meantime-

-it's okay-

-Take my lord, it seems that you are looking for it-

-Thank you Kaira, I will trust you and you should not fear with me, but if you fail me I will let Thor do what he wants with you, understood? -

-yes my lord, I will be your faithful maid-

Without knowing it, two months had already passed, the house was finished and it only remained to put the last details, Loki had had some encounters with Thor and was grateful that he was content with kissing him roughly and removing only the upper part of his clothes to leave bite marks by his torso.

Loki clenched his fists as he finished tucking his son who was sleeping peacefully in a basket, he went to his desk while taking a pen and paper writing a note.





Two tears wet the paper as Loki slumped; Kaira approached hugging her lord she knew how difficult those two months had been and how she had prepared day by day to see him leave, even she felt sorry she had already become fond of the baby who by the way had blue eyes like Thor , but they had to take advantage of that opportunity since neither Odin nor Thor were in Asgard.

Frigga opened the door dressed in a black hood, Loki donned his while summoning a especie of bracelet that I tie on the baby's wrist; that would hide his Jotun heritage and pass him off as a normal human; Kaira dismissed them at the castle entrance; they went out for cover at night while they arrived with Heimdall; the guardian watched them sadly, he had witnessed the happiness of that young man when he found out about her pregnancy and he had been one of the first to see the baby.

-Heimdall opens the portal ... towards Midgard-

-Yes my Lady-

They both crossed with the creature and arrived at that place in Midgard that was the only one they knew according to humans was called New York, both of them walked taking refuge in some alleys for a month that they knew where to go; Loki with the help of Heimdall had found the perfect place for his baby.

They came to a wooden door, which led to a home-looking building that said Uncle Ben's Orphanage, he left the baby at the door while he kissed him on the forehead, suppressing his tears; Frigga hugged him as he rang the bell and they ran to hide where they could see the door.

A brown-haired boy of no more than 10 years old with blue eyes was the first to go out with a kind-looking older man who, surprised, picked up the note from the crib.

- Uncle they left us another baby! -

-low down your voice Peter you will wake him up, let's take him inside; the night is cold-

From their hiding place they both watched that man carry the basket and carry the baby inside. Loki couldn't take it anymore and hugged Frigga crying; She caressed his back shedding a couple of tears, how she could invoke Heimdall and they returned to Asgard, that night the heir of Jotunheim cried as he had not cried in years protected by his protector and mother, he woke up with his eyes swollen from crying so much and I excuse by saying it didn't feel right.

A couple of months had passed since he left his son in Midgard, he got up while sighing; Kaira entered her room looking for her clothes and preparing her bath; they had just moved into the concubine house; since Loki had claimed that he needed his books and other things which had taken a while to be accommodated inside his room.

-My lord, your bath is ready-

-thanks Kaira; Have you requested my presence? -

-not yet my lord, it seems that he has not returned from his trip-

-well prepare my cape, I'll go see mom-

-Yes my lord-

Loki walked in a dignified way through the palace despite being reduced by Thor to being only his shadow, he was still a prince; and without the blond present he could show himself as is, Odin observed him as he passed through the imperial room; He was still not convinced of Thor's decision, but he would already manage to get Loki out of the game.


-my little-

Frigga hugged the boy, she knew he was hurt and that only with her could he unburden himself, and the loss of his baby had made him cold and distant with the rest of the people except for her, and Kaira; they ate calmly while Frigga smiled that part of the palace was hers alone and no one was allowed to enter so there would be no interruptions.

- How are you doing? -

-bad, I still miss my little Einar too much; mother will there be some way for me not to; you know Thor-

-yes, I had already thought about it; take it is a special medicine it tastes horrible, but it is the only way we have in Asgard a single take will protect you for a month; I will teach you to prepare it-

-thank you mother-

After a quiet afternoon Loki returned to his rooms where he began to write a letter, it was a letter for his son; It was the most she could do, Frigga would be in charge of sending her to Midgard when Kaira finished she entered her room and sighed.

-My lord, Master Thor requires your presence; In his bedroom-

-Okay, don't worry Kaira; I'll be fine-

-Yes my lord-

Loki left there as he walked through the palace to that room that was previously next to his, he gave three knocks on the door and one forward forced him to enter. Inside the room was Thor with a glass in his hands he had a towel in his hair and his naked torso; as he watched Loki head to toe licking his lips.

- you called me? -

-Loki don't be so cold I don't want to hurt you-

- Why did you need me, my lord? -

-best; now take off your clothes and lie down-

Loki clenched his fists, he knew that day would come, he sighed as he started to take off his clothes and leaned back; Thor leaned against his body without crushing him as he gazed at him with ill-contained lust.

-You are behaving very docile-

- Would anything change if I behaved differently? -

-no, you would only make me use my thunder on you to bend you-

-I know, but being docile does not mean that I like you-

-hm ... so you don't trust me-

-Not at all; I only do this to save my family and my people; not because I love you-

Thor kept silent, something inside him hurt when Loki spoke those words; In retaliation, he bit his shoulder, eliciting a groan, he stopped being gentle, if the one in black wanted him to be rude, he would be; turned his body and Loki felt a cold liquidor spilling between her buttocks, at least it wasn't that gross.


-Come on, moan for my little bitch-

He put two fingers in unexpectedly and the lubricant helped make it hurt less. Thor seemed impatient and had to get used to his body quickly; His rear was lifted and he felt the other people's pants fall as a hard and big erection forced to enter; He had forgotten that detail, how big Thor was, he held his breath trying not to scream when that thing entered in its entirety with a thrust.

-You are foolish, I want to hear you moan-

- NGH… Tho-Thor! -

His legs trembled. Thor had placed his hand on his erection sending a minimal amount of rays forcing him to let go of that moan, he bit his lip as the blonde began to thrust at him.

-I will force you to moan if you keep shutting up, don't make me do it-

-jo-de-te mngh-


Thor left him only to change positions making Loki look at him while he rode him, the prince of Jotunheim did not want to feel so much pleasure, but he could not deny his own feelings despite the fact that that was no longer his Thor; his breathing was agitated and his flushed cheeks his lips moaned, but none with the eldest's name a spanking made him react.

-Say my name-


-do it-


-then pay attention to the consequences-

The movements of the blonde became fierce to the point of causing him a bit of pain, but Thor balanced it with pleasure that he gave in his strategic areas when he touched his point P he came giving a loud cry and collapsing on the blonde who touched his body with devotion .

-You're delicious-


-Quiet my little bitch, I have not finished with you yet; I'll make you pay for your poisonous words Loki-

-Try it-

He returned to his rooms the next day, that evil-born Thor had done it to him until he fainted and when he woke up they had done it twice more, Kaira looked worried when she saw that state of her lord and supported him to get to his bed.

-My lord ... it's a disaster-

-I'll be fine Kaira I just need to sleep-

Frigga was worried about Loki, with Thor like this his little one was going to suffer a lot, but what could he do? She headed to her library as she scanned between her spells; unfortunately Thor had taken the scepter from her son and she could not defend herself; he bit his lip as he sighed; Odin entered their enclosures putting her on guard.

- What do you want? -

-I want to get Loki out of Thor's life-

- Why? -

-Don't make a fool of me woman, that pair loves each other-

- Since when do you know? -

-Since they were children; I want them to be far from each other-

-that's impossible; Thor wants it for himself, even if it is a selfish desire coming from his subconscious; By all the gods Odin brainwashed your own son! -

- I made him a good warrior and worthy heir to Asgard! -

- at what cost? Your selfish desire led to both of you suffering! get out of here! I do not want to see you-

-Women, we'll talk later-