Chapter 17

Hoorain's POV

I sighed and switched off the TV, nothing was interesting on that stupid tv what I can see was people with highly British accent, and I will say a BIG no if someone would ask me to speak British English, I'll end up singing them a lullaby.

It is now 9 o'clock and sheroze still not home, I made myself pasta and munched up the whole plate.

The home was hushed like someone just got murdered here, but Hoorain don't care about it, cuz I ain't a coward girl.

Amma called me an hour ago to 'check' if im doing good, yes I'll be doing good in this hour alone in the house nothing to do and an empty plate of pasta, I might say the plate was a good company at least for me.

My phone was charging up in my room and me on the other side now was finding something interesting to do.

Besides my room there was a storeroom, I clicked opened the lock and found a huge mess in there, roaming my eyes left to right I found a big photo album.

Of course, t was his childhood.