Chapter 20

"Wake up!! Hoor wake up!!"

I heard light knocks on my bedroom door with faint whispers and I literally hate that person who just ruined my beauty sleep. I was sleeping so peacefully. I ignored the voice and groaned while pulling the covers over my head. Not a moment later an annoying voice came.

" Hoor if you don't wake up in next minute I'll empty a bucket of cold water on you !!! "

" Shut up and lemme sleep you sleep, ruiner."

"I'm counting till three and then im coming, 1.... 2.... 3 ...."

Then I remembered that sheroze asked me to be ready he has to take me somewhere.

"im up im up im up," I shouted

"Okay good for you. Be ready in 10 and im waiting for you outside and wear something warm its cold outside."