
Part 11 : Juan?

I went to grocery shopping with my mother and it was so sad that I had to say that it was rare for her to come back around to give me attention. It was really suspicious to me because usually she only comes back to bond with us when she has something to tell us and we must follow her orders but this time it was nothing. She just wanted to go grocery shopping with me.

She arrived at our apartment last night after Juan dropped me off, I was surprised to see her here and she told me that my older sister flew to Paris for some internship she assigned her to do.

"What's for dinner tonight mom?" I asked while pushing the trolley.

When she was about to say something, her phone rang for the tenth time. She kept on answering calls from her phone, I wished she turned them all off so that she can bond with me more. Knowing my mother, she put her career and company first. I understand that but she couldn't even make time for her youngest daughter and perhaps even stop by to celebrate my birthday or even spend the weekends with me.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry." She said then she put her phone back inside her purse.

I nodded, "It's okay mom." Of course she forgot to answer my question after that long thirty minutes of talking over the phone.

After the grocery shopping, my mother decided to have dinner outside which made me pout sadly but I didn't want to show her that I was sad because she didn't want to cook dinner for me. I just wanted her to be a normal loving mother, is that too much to ask?

We ended up eating at a five star Italian restaurant.

"Sweetie, let's talk about your college. How are things? Did you get along with your college friends?" She asked and I simply nodded. I don't actually made any friends in my school but I did made friends with Juan's friends from his school.

"Yeah I have a few friends." I smiled but do you even care mom?

She nodded, "That's good then oh and I called Juan's mother the other day. She told me that Juan and you are still best friends. That's great sweetie, keep the friendship strong and you may never know it can turn out something more than that." She winked.

My brows furrowed, "Mom what are you talking about?" I asked.

She was still chewing the food, "Juan's parents are in the business like we are, her parents probably owns more then us." She stated clearly while sipping her wine in the most sassy way possible.

I raised a brow, "And? Why does that matter?" I asked.

She smiled, "Sweetie, you and Juan have so many memories together since the both of you were kids but now you and him are adults so us as parents might want you two to work out as a couple and get married, that can be a good investment for our family's company and his too." She said and my dropped.

Unbelievable, I can't just marry Juan. I never had or have feelings for him, I see him as a best friend. A brother from another mother. Why can't people around us understand that we're just best friends that same the same interests. Why do they have to meddle in and ship us or whatever. I grossed out thinking about marrying Juan because we don't have feelings for each other.

I shook my head, "Mom, no ew. He's my best friend. I can't marry a boy I don't have feelings for." I said.

She sighed, she looked like she was stressed out with my answer.

"Okay sweetie, I was just suggesting. Let's not argue okay? Let's just enjoy our dinner so how do you like your pasta? Is it good?" She asked trying to changed the subject. The fact that she didn't even apologized for making me uncomfortable a while ago about the whole talk 'me marrying Juan.'

I took a bite and I nodded even though I still preferred her home cook meals. The last time I ate her home cook meal was, when I was like twelve years old.

After we finished eating our dinner, my mother decided to visit Juan's house and so we did. -----

We were sitting at Juan's living room, waiting for Aunt Patricia to come and greet us with Juan.

I saw Juan and immediately brighten up, my mood changed from awkwardness and anxious to happy and secured every time I see Juan then we leave my mom and his mom at the living room. We went straight to his room then we played a few video games.

He nudged me, "I talked to Christopher this afternoon." He said.

I sighed, "So what he said?"

He chuckled, "He said he's not gonna be jealous anymore with our friendship."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure or I'm gonna knock his head to wake him up." I said.

We both laughed then a few minutes later of looking and laughing at memes that people posted on social medias, I rested my head on Juan's lap and sighed while staring at the ceiling.

"My mom told me that she thinks we can be more than just friends. I was shocked that my mother would assuming things that is like impossible. How can I ever have feelings for you? I mean you're my best friend since birth. That's just utterly gross." I cringed.

Juan shrugged, "People always assume things but I don't really care what they think. I like our friendship and I like you with Christopher. You look genuinely happy being with him." He smiled.

I pouted, "Do you think I should call Chris and you know make this work again?" I asked.

Juan nodded, "Yeah why not?"

I bit my lip, I know that Christopher got jealous over little things but it was obviously stupid when he got jealous of Juan.

"Maybe later because I want to spend time with you." I said then I pinched Juan's nose making him winced in pain.

I added a little pressure, "Let go of my nose you little jerk." He said as he struggled to let go of my hand, I laughed so hard just by looking at his face then I let go.

"Dude you should see your face, it was so funny that you look like the Grinch when you're in pain and when I pinched your nose." I laughed.

Juan blew air to his fringe curls then he threw a pillow at me, my eyes widened and oh it was on. He just challenged me into a pillow fight. We jumped on his bed then we freaking hit each other with the pillow that we were holding.

It was so fun to hangout with your best friend rather than your boyfriend right? Because the best friend understands you more than your own boyfriend. With Juan, I can be myself more often and be ugly, not to worry about how I look, not having a care if I act strangely in front of him but with Christopher, I limited myself and I always look at the mirror just to check if I look okay, I did that because I have feelings for him. I wanted him to like me.

Hence, I always got nervous and anxious around him but I think I should take more time with Christopher and maybe the longer we know each other, the more comfortable I am when I am with him.

Juan pinned me down with his pillow and I stuck my tongue out at him, mocking him was my hidden talent. He laughed then let go, "We've been doing this since kindergarten and I always win, nothing's changed." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him then gave him a light punch on his arm, "It's because you're stronger." I said.

He nodded then he flexed his arm in the most annoying way. "That's true." ----

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door, "Juan, uhm Valerie your mom is waiting for you downstairs." Juan's mother said and so I bid goodbye to Juan.

During the car ride back home, my mother won't stop talking about me considering Juan to be my boyfriend in the future or sooner. She was forcing me to have feelings for a boy that I don't have feelings for.

"Mom can you please stop talking about love life because I don't have feelings for Juan and how many times do I have to say that he's like a brother to me, besides I already have someone else." I said clearly enough for my mother to understand.

I couldn't stand her talking about me and Juan becoming a couple. I'm gonna start vomit when she kept on talking about me and Juan so I spitted the facts out to her.

Her eyes widened then she looked at me with the are-you-kidding-me look.

I simply nodded, "It's true."

"Who is this boy that you like? What's his name? How old is he?" She asked.

She bombarded me questions, "Mom can we talk about him tomorrow after I got home from school please it's getting late and I'm tired of talking about boys so please." I said.

She nodded, "Sure honey but next thing tomorrow I need to know everything about this boy. Promise?"

I nodded, "Promise."