
Part 14 : Daniel

Juan messaged me to come to his place because of cupcakes, he thought that I can forgive him after he offered me to eat some cupcakes baked by his mother? He thought that he can pretend that nothing happened, how stupid can he be.

I rolled my eyes after reading his texts, I decided to ignored the invitation and continued with my assignments because clearly my future is more important than my best friend who betrayed me and my crush that broke my heart, big time. This is worst than getting cheat on, not gonna lie.

After spent almost an hour inside the coffee shop, I stretched my body while yawning and then I stared at the window.

My eyes squinted to get a better look on the familiar car parked in front of the coffee shop.

Juan got out of the car and went straight into the coffee shop. I closed my eyes, trying not to burst into anger when I saw him. I wanted to forget about him and Christopher but they always appeared out of nowhere, out of all coffee shop. They went to the same coffee shop that I was in.

I opened my eyes again and I saw him standing right in front of me. I gestured him to sit down and so he did.

He threw his car keys on the table and sighed heavily.

"Look Val, I know I messed up and I know I shouldn't do that to you but please I don't want to lose our friendship, please let's just start over. I promised I won't do this again." He begged.

Me too, I loved him more than anything and I really missed our stupid conversations about nonsense stuff and bickering over random things. I missed my best friend but I couldn't move on the fact that he did something that hurt me so bad.

I shrugged, I was trying to act cold towards him. "I need time to figure this thing out after what you did and I bet Christopher was the one who told you where I am?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No Val, I didn't ask Chris. I know where you are because this is the place where you always go when you can't hangout with me or when you need a time alone . I am your best friend, I know you more than anyone in this world." He said.

I scoffed disbelief with his statement, of course he knows everything about me because I was always so honest with him meanwhile he lied to me, played with my feelings and hurt me, big time. Did he think I can just move on and forgive him easily?

Feelings are getting hurt.

"Okay but I'm not your best friend anymore." I said.

He rested his palm on his cheek, he looked defeated. "What can I do to make you forgive me so that we can be friends again?" He asked.

He know exactly that I hate him keeping secrets from me and most importantly when he lied to me, if I didn't went to his place and eavesdropped their conversation. I would've been played the whole time because of my own best friend who planned all these crap.

And the worst thing what will happen to me and Christopher if Juan kept forcing him to keep up with his lies and act.

You can't force someone to date or to fall in love.

"You can leave, best friends don't keep secrets." I said without even looking at his face, I was so mad at him and he deserved to rot in hell for hurting my feelings after all these years, I respected him and continue to be his best friend but he did one thing that caused me pain, betrayed my trust.

He sighed then he stood up, "Sure." He said then he left.

So I grabbed my things and headed out, I went to the mall for like window shopping just to released my tension and pressures. Window shopping is like a therapy to ease my mind.

A boy bumped into me and I hissed with annoyance, "Watch where you're going." I yelled.

"Valerie?" Daniel called.

I sighed, dang it. Why do I kept on bumping into these guys?

He asked me if I can talk to him for a second and so I just agreed because I wanted to know why he wanted to talk to me.

I crossed my arm, "Speak." I said, sternly.

He nodded, "Juan he uhmm..." He said but he was running out of words, he looked like he couldn't spit out the words and I was running out of patience.

I raised a brow, "What?"

He took a deep breath then he continued where he was struggling to find words to say, "He never talk to us after you left angry that day and the worst part was he made us not to say a word to you about .. but I think you should know." He stuttered.

My mind started to get confused as hell and the curiosity inside of me was telling me that I should let Daniel finished talking but this coward always stuttered like he had a disease or something.

I snapped my fingers at him, "Uhmm.. hello? What is it?"

He sighed, "I uhmmm.. I'm sorry. I can't." He said then he ran off, leaving me dumbfounded.

What the hell? What was up with him?

Was there something that I don't know about Juan? I thought we were close enough and treat each other like brothers and sisters but it turned out to be only one-sided just like my relationship with Christopher.

Daniel looked super nervous and that was why he ran off, I had no idea what was going on and I was eager to find out sooner or later.

I need to talk to Juan and make him spit the truth out so I dialed his phone number and waited for him to answer my call.

I dialed again, multiple times but he never answer my call and I started to get worried.

"Pick up the phone Juan, damn it!" I hissed.

I gave up for the eleventh time after attempting to call him but he never answered my call. I went outside the mall and called for a taxi, "Tarry Condominium please." I said to the taxi driver.

It was Juan's place and I'm pretty sure that he was at home, he had nowhere to go except staying in his bedroom because Daniel mentioned that he didn't speak to them after I left his place the other day, filled with anger so I assumed that he was in his bedroom. I hoped.

When I arrived, I told the taxi driver to wait for me. I just needed to check on Juan and why was he not answering my calls.

I knocked on the door and his mother opened it for me.

"Aunt Patricia? Is Juan here?" I asked and she nodded.

"He's upstairs dear but he told me not to disturb him." She said.

I nodded, "It's okay, I just want to talk to him about his assignments." I lied so she let me in and then she offered me the cupcakes but I just gave her a smile and told her that I was full.

I went upstairs and stood in front of Juan's bedroom, I leaned over to listen to what he was doing inside but I couldn't hear a thing do I twisted the doorknob. I saw him on the bed, he wasn't wearing any shirt on but he had his pants on so thank God.

His head rested on his pillow and when he opened his eyes.

I gulped.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up straight to face me, "I didn't know you were here. How long have you been there?" He asked.

I nodded, then I noticed his eyes were red, "Just now."

"Are you okay?" I added.

He nodded and gave me a weak smile, "I'm fine." He lied. I knew he was lying. There was something going on with him and his college friends but he was refusing to tell me and I needed to know the truth. I got so desperate.

"Juan, can I ask you something?" I asked.

He nodded, "What is it."

"Daniel, I saw him at the mall just now and he wanted to tell me something but he ran off. " I said.

His eyes widened and then he looked away immediately. "He's probably just guilty for not telling you all these earlier." He said , which made no sense at all because Daniel was just the person who laughed at the games Juan and Christopher were playing, as matter of fact Daniel wasn't involved in any of these crap so why would he feel guilty?

I rolled my eyes.

He lied again and again.

"Look I will forgive you and we can be friends again after you tell me what's up." I said, challenging him.

Well it was not really a challenge but I thought I know everything about this guy because we grew up together but I guessed I was wrong.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

He looked frustrated.