
Part 43 : Spending time with Christopher

I woke up due to the sound of blender machine came from inside the kitchen. I yawned and stretched my body, I looked over to the window and realized I slept in the same bed with Christopher.

My cheeks started to heat up a little at the thought of it, "Damn, my breath stinks." I murmured.

I quickly made my way to his bathroom and grabbed the disposable toothbrush that I used last night then after I brushed my teeth, I washed my face with water and wiped my bloated morning face with his towel. I know it sounded disgusting but the towel that I used from his were new from the dryer so I'm good.

I walked out from his bedroom and found him inside the kitchen pouring juice inside a glass.

"Hey good morning, did you sleep well?" Chris asked then he placed the glass in front of where I was sitting which was at the kitchen counter.

I nodded, "Yeah, watermelon juice?"