
Part 79 : Stuttering

I paced back and forth whilst biting my nails and my heart was pounding and I can hear it from the silence of this freaking toilet.

"I'm pregnant." I said to myself whilst trying to catch my breath, I rinsed my face with water and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I don't even know if I am officially ready to be a mother yet.

Me?A mother? That sounds frightening, am I even capable of taking care of another human being? I don't even know. Suddenly my phone rang and it's my mother so I ended the call and texted her instead to tell her not to worry about a thing and that it was just some stomach problems.

I lied to her.

I walked out from the toilet and an old lady smiled at me, I smiled back awkwardly. Felix's secretary or whatever his position is, is still waiting for me outside.

I didn't have the mood to go back to the apartment. I need to take a walk and get some fresh air.